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WARNING: This chapter contains smut. If you don't like it, please don't read it. These "---------" will appear at the beginnning and at the end of the scene for you guys to know where it starts, and where it ends. All good? Yeah? Okay, let's get to the reading now, shall we?


After we finished eating we went our separate ways. Zayn grabbed my hand and led me to the beach. As we walked Zayn kept giving me glances. (I hate that.)

"What?" I giggled.

"It's just- you're so beautiful" I couldn't help but blush at his sudden compliment. 

"Oh, Zayn. Stop it!" 

"I'm serious, I'm so lucky" I looked into his eyes and started to lean in, cupping his jaw, his lips look so delicious ri-

"Aren't you Zayn Malik, from One Direction?" A girl interrupted. A bunch of girls are behind her, all of them looking around my age and younger. (This is not good.)

"Uh, yes" He smiled shyly.

"OH MY GOD! Girls, it's him!" She turned around and squealed. In a matter on milliseconds all the girls were jumping and screaming, surrounding Zayn and I.

"Can you give us your autograph? Please!" The girl batted her eyelashes at him and my jaw clenched. 

"Yes! Please!?" All the others said in unison.

"Of course" He grinned, taking a hold of the girl's sharpie. They all giggled, and pushed me away from him, giving me glares in the process. Okay, I'm so jealous right now. Watching him with all these girls, laughing and having the time of his life really got into me. Am I really enough for him? Look at him, for fucks sake! He's everything!

Now that I think of it, I'm just this girl from London...nothing special. I don't know what got into me, but I tightened the grip I had on my bag, and ran away from there. I can't stand the fact that those girls are flirting with him. When I stepped into my shared room, I slammed the door and ran to my bed. I instantly felt my eyes getting watery, and within a few seconds tears started to come out. After what felt like forever, I heard the door crack open, so I hid my face further into the pillows.


"Go away!" I covered myself with the sheets as well.

"But, what's wrong?

"I don't know, why don't you ask your fans?" I sniffled.

"Oh, that..."

"Yeah, that. Took you long enough" I rolled my eyes at him, giving him my back.

"Babe, you know that's normal. We owe everything to our fans and we can't push them away, we all love them to pieces" He rubbed my back soothingly.

"I know, it's just- watching you with them makes me overthink. It makes me think I'm not enough"

"Look at me, Jesy" I sat up and cleaned my tears.

"Don't ever think that, babe. You're the one I'm in love with, I love you with all my heart" I hugged him tight.

"I love you, Zayn" 

"I'm so sorry"

"Don't be, baby" I looked up and cupped his face. He leaned down and kissed me softly, before I sat on his lap and deepened the kiss. He caressed my back, which made me shiver. All this time I've been waiting for that special someone, and Zayn is the first one to make me feel like this. I rubbed Zayn's chest, and played with the hem of his shirt. Zayn pulled away for a moment and looked at me with questioning eyes.

"Jesy, are you sure?" He asked, moving a piece of my hair out of the way.

"I've really thought about this, and I'm sure you are the one, Zayn. I want you, I need you" I whispered.


Once he slipped off my blouse he was surprised I wasn't wearing anything underneath (Maybe I was already expectig this, okay no). He connected our lips once more as he pushed me onto the bed, straddling me. He cupped my boobs softly, and squeezed them a little, making me let out a satisfied sigh. After I closed my eyes I  felt his mouth kissing up my breasts, making me moan lowly. He rolled over and took his shirt off, and I took a moment to stare at his abs; he has such an amazing body. He smiled and leaned down to kiss me properly, once again. I tangled my hands in his hair, our tongues battling for dominance. 

I went for his pants, and squeezed his hard c*ck on top of the fabric, making him groan at the back of his neck sexily. I straddled him now, and undid his pants, slipping them off, along with his boxers.He rolled us over again, and went for my shorts, taking them off in a haste. He licked down my neck, trailing his lips all over my naked body until he got to my inner thighs. He kissed me until I couldn't take it anymore, and my skin was burning with desire.

"Zayn-" I flipped us over and kissed him hard. whining in the process.

"Zayn, I want you to make love to me"  I flipped us over again and layed down as he took my underwear off. As I layed completely naked his eyes wandered my body like a hungry puma.

"You are so gorgeous" He breathed, hovering over me.

"Are you sure, baby? We don't have to do this" He looked at me dead in the eyes.

"A hundred fucking percent" I gritted out, cupping his face and kissing him passionately. I pulled him closer, giving him, so he went back to my thighs, biting and nipping the skin. Then, I felt how he pressed a soft kiss to my cl*t and I moaned lowly. (Oh, that felt good.)

"So wet for me, baby" He whispered hotly, and that made me hotter, really. He licked from my clit to the bottom. and then circled my clit with his tongue, making me moan his name repeatively. I am a shivering mess, grasping the bed sheets, and moaning like a porn star.

"Oh" I moaned as he started using his fingers.

"Zayn! Just put it in already" I cried out, wanting to feel him already. He looked at me and smirked. I threw my head back as he pushed another finger inside me.

"Fuck! OHOHOH" I moaned loudly, quickly biting my lip to prevent myself from moaning again.

"Jesy, baby. I want to hear you" He pushed in a third finger, making me almost faint, due to the delicious burn.

"I want to be gentle, love" 

"Zayn, you've been giving me gentle for a while now, so just fuck me already!" He got up, and quickly got a condom out of his pants. He ripped it open and rolled it up his hard c*ock. 

"Ready?" I nodded, intertwining our hands. With that, he positioned himself on my entrance, and pushed the tip in. I shut my eyes in discomfort, it feels so odd. After a few seconds, Zayn pushed in bit by bit, until he bottomed up. I moaned in pleasure, and pain. After Zayn made sure I was okay, and still breathing he placed his hands on both sides of my face, getting comfortable.

"Mo-move" I whimpered. Then, he went out until only his tip was inside, and then pushed back in with a hard thrust, doing it again and again.

"Oh, faster!" I moaned as I digged my finger nails on his back. I am a moaning mess, repeating his name like a mantra, not caring if the whole hotel hears me. I pushed back on him, going in accordance with his thrusts. My p*ssy is on fire, but I don't seem to care as Zayn slams into me like a fucking pro.

Minutes later Zayn's pace slowed down, and I knew he was coming to an end, but so was I. After two more thrusts I came undone, my orgasm ripping through my body. Zayn started to shake, and spilled his load in the condom, moaning hotly against my neck. After that, he kissed my forehead, and slowly pulled himself out of me, making me whimper, due to the sudden emptiness. The room reeked of sex, and the windows were half fogged up after we were finished. Zayn tossed the wrapped condom into the bin, and slipped in bed with me, cuddling me afterwards.


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