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"I like what I see" Jesy gasped, not expecting anyone to talk to her. As she turned around, she could see Zayn, with a smirk plastered on his oh-so-perfect face, standing over the threshold of the small door into her dressing room. Zayn's eyes were piercing through her skin, exploring Jesy's body as if it were a code we needed to decipher. Jesy was at a loss of words, not knowing why Zayn would be there in the first place.

"Uh- hi" Jesy mumbled, not knowing what to do or what to ask; Zayn's presence is intimating, and she has never felt so small in her life

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"Uh- hi" Jesy mumbled, not knowing what to do or what to ask; Zayn's presence is intimating, and she has never felt so small in her life.

"Am I making you nervous?" Zayn's smirk grows, and Jesy just wants to slap it off his beautiful face, she hates the influence he holds over her without even knowing him. It is absurd and she wants out, right now.

"What? Not at all, why would you think that?" Jesy tries to regain composure, tries to hold her ground, but still avoids Zayn's eyes, confirming his question, and shit, she hates herself for that.

"Why are you avoiding my face, then?" Jesy stares straight into the hazel eyes, getting lost within seconds, not understanding what it is about Zayn that has got her so hooked and interested, the spark that has ignited inside of her is new, odd, something she only felt when she saw Jack for the first time and feelings began to flourish. Once Jesy snapped out of her trance, Zayn's lips were a mere inch from touching hers, and she freaked out.

"Zayn, what are you doing?!"

"What? I saw the way you were looking at me when we first met, are you going to tell me you do not want this?" Zayn asks stubbornly, cockily almost, as if he owns Jesy, as if he can get ay girl to do anything he wants by just the snap of his fingers. Jesy will not be one of his bitches, no way in hell.

"Well, I guess I was attracted, but that certainly does not give you the right to kiss me" Jesy spat, finally knocking some sense into herself and acting like the strong woman she is; Zayn will not get what he wants, specially not when apparently he always does. How can he be so careless about Jesy's feelings? What about consent? This is not right.

"Look, I do not do the whole talking, so if you want this, let's just get right into it" Zayn had a strand of Jesy's hair in between his fingers, and it felt violating, almost as if he was looking down on her. She did not like the feeling at all.

"Who says?!" Jesy spats angrily this time, slapping away Zayn's hand from her, demanding space and needing to breathe, the air suddenly not hitting her lungs just right, the room becoming smaller and suffocating.

"I say"

"You are being a bloody prick right now"

"And you are acting like a little bitch"

"Excuse me? I am being a bitch? I may be annoying, but definitely not a bitch, and excuse me if not wanting to kiss you makes me a bitch. Now, if you will excuse me, I have some dancing to do, which is strictly what I came here for" Jesy walked past Zayn, not minding that she basically dragged her boss. Fuming and mumbling curse words under her breath, Jesy makes it to Dancing Room A, where she is supposed to meet her teammates and fellow dance partners Megan and Susie.

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