Part 60- not again.

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I'm so pissed at him, who does he think he is to come to my house and say he wants to "say sorry about my lost" is he bloody crazy or something!? And then he comes out with the phrase I don't want to hear from him EVER AGAIN! I need to do something; he needs to get out of my life. I don't want to see him ever again. I certainly do not need fixed feelings, again.

After my little tantrum about Jack I went up the stairs to my bathroom, stripped down and went in the tub. I layed my hair down and turned the faucet on. I just need to clear off my mind and so I did. I let the warm water run through my whole body. As I was getting sleepy I finished and dressed up with a long sleeve blouse and leggings.

[A/N: Click on the external link under the book cover to check out the outfit.]

I went to my bed and checked my phone. No messages, no calls, no nothing. I placed it on the other side of the bed and cuddled with the sheets. It's about time to forget about the world, but I just can't. Suddenly my phone started buzzing. I froze when I gave a look to the screen, anger boiling inside of me. It said "Unknown" but I knew the number a little too well.


"Why the hell is he calling?" I groaned to myself, throwing my hands up in frustration. I declined the call. Then he called again...I declined it again. He called again...

"Okay, that's it" I grabbed the phone and swiped to answer. 

"Look! Stop calling my bloody number! You don't have the right to call me okay!? If you ever call again I swear I will sue you. I'm sick of you chasing me and always wanting to get in my life! I have a new life, forget about me, forget about EVERTHING we once had okay!?" I yelled through the phone.

"I hope you understand that, if not I can text it to you if you like" I snapped as I hung up and threw the phone to the floor. 

"Gosh!" I growled, trying to let some steam out. I cuddled again and closed my eyes. I fell asleep instantly.



xx: "You'll see, he will cheat on you" 

"Huh, who's that?" 

xx: "Ha! You stupid girl, he's just playing with you" 

"Shut up! He's not"

I can't see who's talking to me. I can noticed, though that I'm in a dark forest, walking in a white dress. This voice sounds so familiar. 

xx: "Forget about him, he's mine!" 

-End of Dream-

That's when I woke up covered in sweat and breathing heavily. I stood up from the bed and took my phone. I have missed calls from Zayn.

-Phone Call-


"Jesy, are you okay?"

"Yeah, I was sleeping, I'm sorry"

"Oh no babe, it's okay" 

"So, what are you up to?" 

"I'm with the lads" 

"Oh, say hi to them"


"We'll talk later, I'm going to take a shower" I added.

"Want me to go over?" 

"Yes, please"

"Are you hungry?"

"Er, no?" I said, but it came out more like a question.

"Aha, I know you are, babe" He chuckled.

"Maybe..." I giggled.

"I'll bring food" 

"YASS!" I squealed, shutting myself up after realizing what I said.

"Well, see you later, honey" He threw me a kiss.

"Bye" I said, doing the same.

"I love you" 

"I love you, too" I hung up and smiled.

I took a shower and dressed up with an over sized t-shirt that belonged to Zayn, since I wasn't going out. I threw my hair in a bun and turned the telly on. My phone buzzed for the second time and it was a text message. I opened it and it was from Jack.

Are you fucking kidding me?

"Gosh! This guy is a pain in the ass" 

From: Blocked Number

Jesy, I'm sorry for everything I're right. I'm not supposed to be getting into your new life. I regret everything I did that bothered you and I just wanted you to know that you won't hear from me again. Goodbye...I'll never forget you and you really don't know how hard it is for me to leave you, but it's the best thing now that I'm actually thinking about it.


Good, I'm glad you realize I'm already over you and I'm living my new life!

I felt a little bad for being so rough, but I didn't care after a few minutes. Off with the bad memories, Zayn is coming and I don't want to screw the night with my sadness and shit, besides he deserves to see me happy because he's been trying to cheer me up since my grandma's death.


A/N: I don't even know what to say about the chapter, BUT IN OTHER NEWS...HAPPY BIRTHDAY ED! WE LOVE YOU SO MUCH.   

Picture to the side: Are you fucking kidding me?

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