Part 54- dinner.

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A/N: This chapter is SUPER cheesy and fluffy so if you don't like that kind of thing just skip it and wait till the next chapter. Nothing important happens, this chapter is basically the dinner. Hope you guys like it.  

READ ON!  -Chanti x


Zayn left with Liam to see the other boys -which were extra worried about him-. I decided to clean the house and start preparing dinner. I still have plenty of time, so I took my time with the cleaning and everything. When I finished with that I started cooking. I was dancing along with some music, I was having fun, actually. When I was finished I went upstairs to get ready. I took a relaxing shower and when I was over I wrapped a towel around my body. I skimmed through my huge bag to find an outfit. After ten whole minutes of deciding whether or not to wear a dress I decided to dress up with a skirt and a crop top.

[A/N: Click on the external link under the book cover to check out the outfit.]

I went down the stairs to finish giving the table the final touches. I checked my list to see if everything was ready. I looked around and everything looked splendid. I just need to wait for Zayn to arrive. I went up the stairs and slipped on my wedges.

"Now I'm ready" I whispered to myself as I stood in front of the mirror. A few seconds later I heard a car parking outside, so I peeked through the window and saw the boys. I went down the stairs and opened the door before they even rang the bell.

"Hey boys!" I greeted as they stepped in the foyer.

"Wow!"  I giggled.

"I'll take it from here, thank you" I smiled at them and grabbed Zayn's hand.

"Are you sure you can with those shoes?" Louis chuckled, pointing at my shoes.

"Positive, captain" I chuckled back.

"Alrighty then" He shrugged. Zayn and I said our goodbyes and the boys left, leaving us in our own devices.

"Gosh Jesy, you look-" 

"Shh. I know, I know" I chuckled.

"Thank you" I pecked his lips slowly.

"So, first you need to close your eyes" I grinned.

"You even planned the whole thing, cute" I blushed. He closed his eyes and I guided him to the table.


"Okay, open them"


I froze. Wow! It's beautiful! She worked really hard to do this. I just couldn't keep myself from smiling. It's just perfect.

"Baby, this is-" I'm so breathless.

"Let me help you" She smiled as she helped me sit down. I grabbed her hand, pulled her down and kissed her softly.

"Thank you, baby. This is- I'm speechless" I grinned like a madman.

"You don't have to thank me" She smiled sweetly.

"So, I hope you like what I cooked. I'll be back" She said before dissapearing into the kitchen.

"You also cooked!?"


"You also cooked!?"

"Yes I did" I smiled, placed the plate in front of him and sat down.

"This looks delicious" He grabbed my hand and squeezed.

"You make me so happy. I love you, Jesy...I really do" 

"I love you, too, Zayn


Yesterday was just outstanding. Dinner was amazing. I really enjoyed it and I think Zayn really liked it, too. I hope he did...I did it just for him, my one and only true love.


Three weeks passed by and it is time to go to the doctor to see if Zayn was ready to leave the crutches. Zayn and I got ready and went to the hospital. First, Zayn needed an X-Ray, so the nurse called us to go to the X-Ray room. When we were finished with that we went to the lobby and waited for Vanessa to call us.

"Zayn Malik, please. Dr. Ford is ready to see you" 

"Please go to room 483"

"Thank you"

"Okay, baby let's go" I grabbed Zayn's hand and let him to the elevator. We stepped in the room and Zayn and I sat down to wait for Doctor Ford. 

"Hello, Zayn" 

"Hi Doctor" He greeted and shaked hands with the doctor.

"Hey, Jesy" He smiled politely.

"Hi doctor" I replied.

"So Zayn, I need you to sit on the bed to check how's everything going so far" 

"You have been taking the pills right?"

"Yes, everyday" Zayn nodded.

"Good" The Doctor checked the X-Ray from Zayn's leg and wrote something on his clipboard.

"Everything seems perfect" 

"Okay, so I'm going to take the bandage off and you will slowly try to walk"

"Alright" So the doctor took the bandage off Zayn's leg and Zayn slowly placed his feet on the floor. I stood up and wrapped an arm around his waist.

"I know you can do it, baby" I whispered, letting go. He advanced and gave a few steps.

"How do you feel?" The doctor asked.

"I feel great! I mean, normal" Zayn shrugged. I smiled widely and then I couldn't hold my tears.

"Told you everything was going to be okay" I said hugged him tight, soaking his shirt.

"Doctor, thank you very much for everything" Zayn shook hands with him.

"That's nothing, I'm just doing my job" 

"Well, now you just need to go to Vanessa, the same process as before" 

"Thank you" I grinned. We went to Vanessa and thanked her for her service and signed the paper as well to happily leave home with my Zayn.


A/N: Okay so, this is LIKE SUPER CHEESY and I don't even know about myself anymore, I apologize for the excess of chessyness.

Picture to the side: "You even planned the whole thing, cute"

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