Part 59- hello, stranger.

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Once I stepped inside my dressing room at the studio I sat down in front of the mirror and stared at my reflection, sighing. I look like shit, no pun intended. My face's pale and I didn't even bother to apply makeup to my face this morning. I'm not in the mood for it, I'm not in the mood for anything, really. I rested my face on my hands and closed my eyes as I let a tear fall from my eye. After a few seconds the door swung open.

"Babe?" I shot my head up and wiped my eyes.

"Yeah?" I asked, staring intently at Zayn.

"You alright?" He came closer.

"Yeah, yeah" 

"Were you crying?" He asked as he wiped a tear from the corner of my eye.

I sighed and closed my eyes, feeling how seconds later I was being embraced in his warm arms.

"Please, don't cry anymore" He breathed in my hair.

"I can't help it" I sighed letting another tear fall freely.

"It hurts seeing you like this" He caressed my back soothingly. I closed my eyes shut and hugged him tighter.

"I love you, Zayn" He lifted my head up and I looked into his beautiful eyes. He smiled and leaned down to give me a soft kiss on the lips.

"I love you, too" He rested his forehead with mine.

"I really don't deserve you" I laughed nervously, looking down.

"Hey, don't" 

"You're just- so perfect, and I'm just so...broken" 

"Nobody's perfect" 

"That's what makes us human beings" He pecked my lips slowly as I nodded and half smiled.

"Well, I have to get going, have a meeting with Paul" He sighed.

"Good luck" I waved and then he was gone. Just like that. After that moment I realized this is the first time since the funeral that the smile I'm sporting doesn't leave my face.


I was quietly folding some clothes, when the door bell rang.  I ran to the door and opened it, only to find Samantha standing there with a huge grin. I threw myself in her arms and the sobs started.

"Let it all out" She whispered as she rubbed my hair and back. She guided me to the living room and we sat there. She held me as I cried all I had inside. I really needed this. I haven't had time to let it all out like this and it feels so damn good.

"You okay?" She asked as she cleaned my tears.

"Yeah" I sat up straight.

"Thank you, I kinda' needed that" I half smiled.

"That's what friends are for, right?"

"Yeah" I smiled.


She stayed for the rest of the afternoon to help me with my messed-up closet. We had small talk and then she went home, leaving me without a thing to do. I was going through my mail when the doorbell rang again. I poker faced at the door and stood up lazily. I opened the door and immediately regretted it. I slammed the door on his face and pushed myself against the door.

"Go away!" I yelled.

"Jesy, wait! I just came to say I'm sorry for your lost" 

"Well, you said it! Now go away, Jack!" 

"Jesy, come on. Let's have a chat" He begged. 

"We have nothing to talk about" I said stubborly.

"Come on, open the door" He sighed. I sighed back and opened the door.

"Thank you" He smiled and stepped inside. I rolled my eyes and closed the door.

"So, how have you been?" I glared at him and crossed my arms.

"How do you think I've been you bloody idiot!" I spat at him.

"I was just trying to be nice-"

"Well thank you, but I don't really need your pity"

"And tell me something, what were you thinking when you told me that thing at the hospital? Are you out of your freaking mind or what?" I stepped closer to him, anger consuming me.

"What I told you its true, Jesy. I-" 

"Don't! Don't say it" I shut my eyes and breathed deeply.


"You had no right to tell me that! I have a boyfriend! Remember him?!" I yelled.

"Calm down!" He yelled back.

"Don't fucking tell me what to do"

"Jesy-" He grabbed my hand but I yanked it out of his grasp.

"If you’re done with your condolences, then get the hell out of my house" 


"Go!" I pointed to the door. He sighed and went to the door.

"Have a good night, Jesy" He sighed and went out. When he closed the door I fell to the couch and closed my eyes. That my friends, was the closure of whatever he thought we had.


A/N: D R A M A is back! Maybe I like this chapter like a lot, Zayn and then Jack. Too much, oh my. Leave your amazing comments and votes, pretty please.  

Picture to the side: "If you're done with your condolences, then get the hell out of my house" 

External link: That my friends, was the closure of whatever he thought we had.

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