Culture Shock

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"My parents think I'm watering down my Korean culture." Hyun Ki grumbled to Evvie, watching as she placed the glock back in her waistband.

"Well...are you?" She titled her head as she watched him begin chaining cinder blocks to the body. The soft ripples of the lake paired with the bright sun made her feel like she was at the beach despite the rotting dock they stood on.

"No? I can enjoy American culture without watering down my own." He huffed as he peered up at her before continuing his tasks. The two braids she'd put in his hair kept the shoulder length strands out of his face.

Hyun Ki quickly finished with the task, stood to his 5'9 height, then used his foot to push the body into the lake. The large splash was quickly settled as it sunk.

"Then tell them to piss off." Evvie laughed as she used her phone camera to apply more lip gloss. She'd tucked her locs under a headscarf so she didn't have to worry about them being in the way.

"Have some respect. They're your future in laws." He pulled her closer as she rolled her eyes.

"Just because you have a crush on me doesn't mean we'll get married." They stood at eye level and she made sure to listen closely in case the dock gave away under their combined weight.

"You say that now, just wait until you've tasted my bulgogi." He kissed her cheek before throwing an arm around her shoulders as they walked back towards the car.

"If it's anything like the bossam you made last week, I might consider it."

Evvie had been working with Hyun Ki since they were 20. Nearly six years later and the two were the most powerful contract killing company in America. They took hits from government officials in North and South America, Europe, Asia, and Africa. Due to their ability to be impartial, they were set for life.

A four hour ride through the desolate mountains had her stomach grumbling loudly. Reaching in the backseat, she grabbed the large cooler to rummage for something to eat.

"Want something?" She questioned Hyun Ki as she felt him pull the truck into an off road path. Holding the handle, she groaned at the vehicles rocking as it climbed over rocks, dirt, and small dips before stopping in the middle of the trees.

"What's on the menu?" His eyes quickly scanned their surroundings before turning to watch her pull tupperware from the cooler.

"Tuscan tortellini pasta salad, pork kebab bowl, and summer rolls with peanut sauce." Putting the containers between them, she placed the cooler back into the backseat before pulling utensils from the glovebox.

"Mmm, this looks good." He complimented as they quickly began digging in. They passed the bowls back and forth as they ate in silence- a habit they often fell into when the food was especially good.

The rumble of another vehicle broke the silence and Evvie quickly grabbed her EDC x9 as Hyun Ki began packing away the food. The truck was fully bulletproof but she never liked to take chances.

A dirty jeep passed them, two red necks with spilling alcohol in their hands in the front seats. Their beer bellies and neck beards further soothed Evvie as she watched them howl with laughter at the bumpy ride.

"화이트 쓰레기" Hyun Ki muttered as he curled his lip up at the men.

"The epitome of white trash too." Evvie agreed as she reached for another summer roll.

"You've been studying?" He quickly turned to her, his eyes hopeful.

"Well how else am I gonna greet my further in laws?" Evvie kept her eyes on the peanut sauce in her lap, butterfly's filling her stomach at the statement.

Hyun Ki had always been incredibly attractive to Evvie but she'd always figured he'd want someone within his own race. They flirted but she chalked it up to being around him 24/7 considering they'd spent years together without so much as a drunken kiss.

"Evvie, don't say that because I'll propose right now." He chuckled as he grabbed the sauce from her for his own roll.

"Where's my ring?" Raising an eyebrow, she crossed her arms as she stared him down. Unexpectedly, he began rummaging through the numerous pockets on his black cargo pants before he pulled out a ziplock- a bright blue ring inside.

"Hyun Ki." She muttered in surprise as he grabbed her hand and placed the ring on with no hesitation.

"Mrs. Won." With confidence, he leaned over and pecked her on the lips before returning to his roll as if nothing had happened.

"Wait a damn minute." The chuckle of disbelief was paired with her ogling the gorgeous material wrapped around her finger.

"It's not a custom in my culture to give engagement rings and such, but I figured I'd blend our cultures. We won't really be engaged until our families meet so tell the Parkers to clear their schedules." Once again he spoke smoothly as if this was a conversation about Sunday dinner.

Evvie could only nod silently, her eyes still fixed on the ring. It was entirely blue with a small blue flower along the top that served where a diamond would be.

"You're nuts." Was all she could muster once she finally took her eyes away from the ring.

"How? We've known each other for six years. I've never been as connected to anyone else. Traditionally, you'd be pregnant by now but I guess we can wait for that." He shrugged.

"Want some more?" He spoke as he held the spoon out to her, she took the mouthful of pasta to give herself more time to mentally process all he'd thrown at her.

They shared eye contact as she finally swallowed the food. Thoughts raced around her head as she took in his features. Without a doubt, he was her ideal man in every sense and they had known each other for so long.

"We can work on the pregnancy, if you want." She hinted as she relinquished the doubt creeping into her mind. There was no one she trusted more than Hyun Ki.

A smile broke his lips before he quickly put away the food and pulled her into his lap. Evvie wasted no time in connecting their lips, her body eagerly moving against his own. His hips raised to follow her pace as they tore clothing off the other.

Leaning against the door, she allowed him to pull her pants down- his hands immediately grabbing her ass. Her pussy throbbed harshly as he eagerly kissed across her chest.

Their equally heavy breathing was the only thing heard as he leaned up to pull his own pants down. Evvie bit her lip as he grabbed his dick, stroking the head softly as he look up at her.

"Not quite like the stereotypes, huh?" He smirked as she watched.

"Let's see if you know how to use it." Evvie had experienced plenty of men with big dicks who didn't have a clue what they were doing. She was a firm believer in the notion that it wasn't the size of the boat, but the motion in the ocean.

Softly grasping his dick, she slowly guided him inside- her face scrunched as she felt him fill her. He reached down to thumb her clit, his lips finding her own as she softly rocked against the sensation.

Evvie cried out as her body relaxed, taking him entirely as if it were nothing. He made no further movement as to allow her to take it at her own pace. Greedily, she shifted her hips back and forth as pleasure seared down her spine and curled her toes.

"Slow down." He cried as she swiftly began bouncing. Ignoring the warning, Evvie worked to make herself cum. The combined feeling of him filling her and his continued stroking of her clit had her quickly approaching climax.

"Hy-Hyun Ki! Oh, shit..." she moaned loudly as he wrapped his arms under her thighs to pull her up and down his length. The clapping of their skin rivaled her cries as she gripped the ceiling for help.

Just as she fell over the edge, his hips thrust into her in a needy fashion and he let out whines of pleasure. Evvie felt her legs shake and her eyes cross as he pumped her full of cum before settling deep inside her to savor the feeling.

"I should have given you that ring sooner."

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