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No face claims

"Professor Green!"

Charlie turned, his golden wire frame glasses sliding down his nose slightly, at the call of his name. The lackluster button up and black slacks with unpolished dress shoes were a staple to his students.

"Oh, hello, Carly. How are you?" She was one of his graduate students in his Monday, Wednesday, Friday 8am class.

"I'm terrible actually. I talked to my advisor about getting into your physics 360 course but it's all filled. I don't know what else I can take and I don't want a filler course to waste my money." The woman folded her arms, a common look of despair within her eyes.

"Well, I'm sorry to hear about that. If you're looking for another course consider those pertaining to your thesis. I offer a 9am physics 269 and a 1pm 364."

"What classes are those? I didn't see them on the course list." Charlie pulled his bag open to pull out one of his course listing books.

Although he wasn't head of the Physics department, he was considered one of the most liked Astronomy professors on campus. This often led to his classes being filled each semester and his free time spent guiding his students.

It didn't bother him though. Charlie loved to help his students because he'd receive excellent help during his studies. If it hadn't been for his professors willingness to go above and beyond for him, he wouldn't be in the position he was now.

"So 269 is Neutrinos in Astrophysics and Cosmology, here's the course description." He passed her the book to allow her to read the paragraph.

"And 364 is Gravitational Radiation, Black Holes, and Neutron Stars." Carly followed him as he flipped the page to show her the other course.

"Hmmm, they both sound miserable." The mutter caused him to chuckle.

"You're a bright student, Carly. From what I've seen this semester I think you can crush either." Charlie smiled as she placed her head down at the compliment.

He made sure to compliment his students when they did well just as he got on them when they began slipping. It was important for his students to know they could always count on him.

"You think so? I feel like I've barely been hanging on." A deep sigh settled her shoulders.

"That's because you're too hard on yourself." He bumped their shoulders. "It's okay to not work so hard all the time."

Charlie sighed as he placed his bag down, the echo of his keys along the counter reminded him of how lonely his life was outside of campus.

On campus, his students filled the social void that his personal life dwelled in. Being in the silent home each night reminded him of just how big a loser he truly was. Charlie hadn't had a friend since his sophomore year of high school and couldn't ever say he'd even held hands with a woman.

The most recent sting of social rejection was the faculty party he hadn't been made aware of until his students said something. It was no surprise the other professors didn't like Charlie, a common fact at each university he taught at, as he lived outside the realm of modern social interactions.

He didn't see the point in frivolous conversations about drama that would do nothing but annoy him. Charlie saw it as being rational while most he met simply labeled him boring. Although he told himself he didn't care, the lonesome hole in his stomach grew wider each night.

Picking up his phone, the absence of messages didn't surprise him. Since he'd taken his faculty email off his phone, the device seemed more like an over complicated watch. A familiar itch settled in his fingers as they wiggled over the dial pad- a number at the forefront of his mind.

Could he really call her again? It'd be the second time this week. All hesitation left his body as he remembered the smell of her newest perfume- an addicting concoction he couldn't place his finger on.

"Back already?" The sultry tone rendered him speechless as he simply held the device to his ear.


"Y-yeah, I'm here sorry." He ran a hand through his hair, the soft brown curls springing back into place seconds later.

"How's my little astrophysicist?" She teased. Charlie felt his stomach flip imagining a smirk on her plump, brown lips.

"Can I come see you?"

Charlie nervously shifted from heel to toe as he stood at the door of a multi-million dollar condo. The sleek black, white, and grey exterior screamed class and up showed the ratty second street apartment he lived in.

The door opened and Charlie held his breath at the woman before him. Lisette Montgomery was a 5'7 walking piece of heaven that could make a blind man turn his neck. From glowing tawny skin to thick thighs to bright teeth everything about the woman was perfect.

Charlie had met her when he'd went to his first conference. The woman's presence was so commanding he ended up following her like a lost puppy the whole night. He wasn't sure what she saw in him but Charlie didn't waste their time wondering.

"You gonna say something or just stare at me?" She tilted her head with a teasing smile.

Charlie noticed she'd changed her hair from a short wavy cut to a long curly one. Although he knew they were wigs from the rate at which the hair grew, each time he saw her wear them he couldn't help second guessing if it really was her hair.

"How are you?" He nervously settled.

"Get in here, loser."

Probably gonna continue this but I'm not sure where I want it to go just yet. I just wanted to get some sort of update out to you guys.

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