Threat Pt. 2

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X6 had spent nearly a week researching Naomi. The woman's record was clean- no specialized training, no gang involvement, nothing.

On paper, the woman should have been one of his easiest hits, yet her actions posed the biggest threat. He'd even taken the precaution of moving locations as she'd proven to be one step ahead of him somehow.

Taking his mask off, he eyed himself in the mirror. The left side of his face had been marred by a scar that ran from his temple to the corner of his lips. Luckily his eye remained in tact with no damage.

He kept his hair short in an undistinguishable buzzcut. As such that his eyes were a stark deep gray color he wore the mask to keep people from identifying him. Smaller scars littered his right cheek from being in multiple knife fights.

The rest of his body remained no exception. Scars littered his chest, arms, and back. Most of them were small considering he rarely let an enemy get close, but the scar over his heart reminded him that they didn't have to get close to kill him.

Just as he went to pull the pants from his body, a rustling met his sensitive ears. He pulled open the mirror and detached the glock he kept stored in a compartment inside.

The sound occurred once more before he heard the sound of his apartment door opening. Heels clicked on the floor and he silently turned the bathroom light off.

"I know you hear me. Come out." The familiar voice had him gripping the glock tighter. How the fuck did she know where he was?

"Oh, hello there beautiful." X6 listened intently as she moved into the living room. He could hear her pick up his rifle.

Lining up his shot, he didn't think for another second before pulling the trigger. The gun clicked empty.

"You should have listened to me." She cooed teasingly.

Throwing the gun at her head, he watched as she easily dodged the metal. It crashed into the wall before thudding to the floor at her feet. "Well that's not nice."

X6 sprinted towards her, throwing punches as fast as his body would allow. Her motions were like fluid as she almost read his mind to dodge each one. Frustration filled his gut but he pushed on, gaining an advantage as he forced her to retreat.

He finally landed a punch to her stomach that had her doubling over. Swiping out her legs was easy in the heels she wore. As her body tumbled to the ground he pulled the knife he kept under the couch.

"That's enough." She huffed as he felt a stinging sensation sear through his left side.

Looking down, he noticed a needle in her hand. Before he could react his body became numb and he fell on top of her.

"Jesus. You're heavier than you look." The woman groaned as she flipped his body and stood to her feet. As she moved, his senses were filled with her perfume that smelled similar to fresh linen and something subtly sweet.

X6 had never felt more vulnerable. His limbs remained immobilized yet he could still feel everything. "Are you gonna talk to me now?"

His eyes flickered to the knife laying inches from his face. It made him want to scream as he tried to reach for the knife yet his body remained still.

"I could have killed you already. Come on, stop being so uptight." She brought the attention back to her as she kicked his leg softly.

He noticed her hair was different yet again. This time it was a honey blonde color that stopped just short of her collarbones. Her dark skin seemed to glisten with a golden hue each time the light caught it.

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