Chemistry Pt. 2

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"Peter, can you put in headphones or something? I just need an hour." August sighed as he once more asked his roommate to turn down the game being played on his large tv.

"Don't have any." He mumbled over a mouthful of skittles.

Turning back to his desk, August pulled his glasses off and put his head in his hands. He was supposed to be completing an online test but the loud action game being played kept him from focusing.

Although he disliked any kind of noise when he worked, August reached over and took Peter's Beats. "Aye, I didn't say you could use my shit."

"Well if you won't turn it down, then I need something to drown out the sound. It's the least you could do, no?" August shrugged as he connected his phone to the headphones.

"Whatever. Just don't break my shit." Peter waved him off before focusing back on the game. His hands moved loudly across the controller and he occasionally let out a string of trash talk.

August quickly found a song to play before refocusing on his test. The loud drums of his favorite band proved easier to focus to and allowed him to complete the test within the next 40 minutes.

He kept the headphones on as he moved to lay down on his bed. The black sweats matched his black t-shirt and allowed him to comfortably relax while scrolling through his phone.

Movement in the corner of his eye caught his attention nearly an hour later. Peter moved from his bed to approach the door. August clenched his jaw, knowing it would be another one of Peter's rowdy friends- one Peter hadn't told him was coming over.

He opened the door, his large figure blocking whoever was on the other side. August knew it was a woman from the way Peter suddenly straightened himself up and ran a hand through his hair.

His eyes fell as he noticed the familiar anklet set on a pair of brown legs. Immediately he pulled the headphones from his ears and his body sat up. Was Alicia here to see Peter? Was she seeing him?

"Well, do you know when he'll be back?" August finally heard their conversation.

"Alicia?" August announced, noticing she had no interest in Peter.

"You lying bitch," he watched as she pushed around Peter, "hi, baby."

August felt his head spin as she placed herself on his lap. Her body was soft, feminine, against his own and she smelled of something sweet. The small cotton shorts exposed her smooth legs and her t-shirt was twice her size.

"Baby? No fuckin' way this nerd pulled Alicia Reese." Peter interrupted, his hands motioning to the two as disbelief filled his expression.

"Could we have the room for a while?" Alicia spoke as she tilted her head. The silky, red hair tickled his arms each time it brushed along his skin.

"You're joking right? How much is he paying you?" Peter suddenly laughed as he began looking for her admission.

August wasn't surprised at his disbelief. Even he knew it was beyond his imagination that Alicia would be sitting in his lap, let alone in his dorm room.

"Boy, what the fuck are you talking about?" The familiar attitude leaked into her tone as she motioned with her hands.

"You're serious?" Peter spoke once more.

"Can you just leave please? August, can you ask him to leave?" The previous attitude was lost as she turned her head to address him.

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