Right Place, Wrong Woman

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No Face Claims

Venus Hope beat her hands against her steering wheel, her teeth clenched in frustration. The two lane road was desolate with a run down auto shop to her left and overgrown greenery to her right.

"I have no clue where I am," she muttered, picking up her cellphone, "and no fucking service."

Taking a deep breath, she closed her eyes to calm herself.

She'd been traveling from New York to Washington on her own for the last two days. Unfortunately, once she arrived in more rural parts of the trip, her tire completely fell apart. The rubber from her wheel sat about 20 feet behind her car, a black mark along the road from her harsh breaking.

Stepping out of the car, she rounded the back to beginning digging in her trunk. She pulled out the metal bat she kept inside before rounding the other side of the car to her passenger door.

Popping open the glove box, she took the gun lock off her glock 43, loaded it, and placed it into her waistband. She could see the sun would be setting within the next hour so she prepared herself.

Making sure her car was locked, she took one last look at the vehicle before turning to head North down the side of the two lane road. The more she walked, the more desolate the scenery became.

Tall, leaning trees blocked out the little remaining sun while over grown weeds reached for her ankles. Thankfully, she'd chosen a pair of non ripped jeans and a t-shirt.

Just as she was going to give up and turn around, the loud sound of multiple motorcycles starting up met her ears and a gravel parking lot came into view. There were a bunch of bikers outside of what looked to be a bar with a couple cars lined around the back.

Venus stood for a moment, eyeing those who hustled in and out of the small building. They were all large, white men. Each of them held some form of facial hair and a large build.

Her common sense said forget about it, but as a black woman came strolling out she released a breath of relief. The woman smiled amongst the others before she climbed on a bike of her own.

Venus left the bat by some bushes before smoothing a hand over her box braids subconsciously. As she strolled across the gravel, everyone seemed to snap their heads to watch her. The glock tucked in her waistband gave her a boost of courage.

"Good evening." She spoke politely, a half smile on her face as she kept moving towards the door.

None of them said anything as they simply watched her step inside. The room was filled with other bikers, each of them wearing a similar jacket. Keeping her head down, she moved to the bar.

"Hey, my car broke down about 4 miles from here. Could I use your phone to call a tow?" She asked the man behind the bar.

"Who are you here with?" He spoke gruffly, disregarding what she'd said.

"What? No one. I'm not here for a drink or to hang out, I just need to use your phone."

"Sit down." He nodded to the stool next to her. Before she could speak again, he disappeared into a room behind the bar.

"Jesus, don't let me have to shoot one of these motherfuckers." Venus mumbled to herself, her eyes scanning the crowd to make sure no one looked at her crazy.

"Here, lady." The low grumble behind her caused her to jump. Turning back to the bartender, she took the small flip phone from him. It took all she had not to laugh at the device before typing in the familiar number for her tow company.

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