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*Chris Evans fic- I couldn't help myself lmaoo*

"Come on, Raveena, stop being a party pooper!" Piper pouted as she pushed the blue colored shot towards Raveena.

"I can't do anymore," she scrunched her nose at the burning liquid, "that shits terrible." Raveena watched as Piper rolled her eyes before downing the liquid without trouble.

"Fine. Stay here and be a loser." She watched the woman return to the busy dance floor. Raveena knew Piper had good intentions but the woman's own superiority made everything a subtle competition.

Raveena knew she was a beautiful woman inside and out, but she couldn't compete with Piper. Her fiery curls, bright blue, cat shaped eyes, and staple red lip drew men in like moths to a flame. The woman was in a completely different league.

Looking down, she couldn't help judging herself in the tight fitted bodycon dress Piper had given her. It made her curves look nice but hardly compared to the high thigh slit, open back dress Piper wore.

"Jesus Christ. What am I doing here?" Raveena muttered as she placed her head in her hands. Thankfully, she'd decided to slick her hair back into a low bun allowing herself to remain cool in the crowded club.

She could tell from the atmosphere that the club was high end but hadn't seen any familiar faces. Pulling her head up, she opened her phone and sent a text to her best friend letting her know how shitty the night had been.

An unconscious smile lit up her face as her best friend dramatically began detailing their escape to a coastal vacation home. There was no one else she'd rather spent her time with despite the pair living hundred of miles apart at the moment.

"Excuse me," a male voice rumbled close to her right side, "I'm sorry if I'm bothering you, but I just couldn't help myself. You're absolutely gorgeous."

Raveena felt her breathing hitch at the man before her. The full beard, bright smile, and dreamy eyes pulled her in. Like a fish out of water, her mouth tumbled open but no words escaped and she was sure her eyes had widened.

"Um," she cleared her throat and straightened her back, "thanks. Thank you."

A heavy nervousness sat in her belly as Chris chuckled at her. Raveena bit her lip in an attempt to keep herself from fangirling. The last thing she needed was to leave a bad impression.

"I assume you know who I am." The knowing smile caused her head to spin and all she could think about was how handsome he really was in person. "But I'll introduce myself anyway. Chris Evans."

The hand he held out was large and Raveena nearly fainted as she placed her hand in his. "Raveena Tinsley."

"Wow, that's a beautiful name. It's a pleasure to meet you, Raveena." The smile on his face let her know he knew exactly what he'd done by saying her name.

"Likewise. I'm sure you get this all the time, but I'm a huge fan." Rubbing her clammy hands down her dress, Raveena focused on keeping herself calm.

"Thank you. I appreciate that. So, are you here by yourself?"

Her head snapped back on instinct at the question.

"No! I didn't mean it like that," he held his hands out with a nervous chuckle, "I just meant I'd like to keep you company if so."

"You gotta work on your phrasing there." She giggled as he took a seat next to her. 

"I didn't mean to come off so predatory. Guess I just get a bit nervous around such a beautiful woman." Chris' wide frame made it nearly impossible to breathe without their shoulders touching.

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