Tags Pt. 2

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Corinne let out a heavy sigh as she finally logged out of her monitor. It was nearly midnight by the time she'd finished all the extra work Macintosh had given her for the weekend.

It was a welcomed distraction from the news she'd received just 3 days ago. Walking into the kitchen, she pulled out a pot to make herself some ramen then grabbed a glass for her wine. Just as the water began boiling, a knock sounded at her door.

No one in her life showed up without calling first so she simply ignored the knocking. Placing the noddles in the water, she paused as the click of her door opening met her ears. The click sounded once more as the door was closed and locked.

Grabbing the boiling water from the stove, she hid behind the wall next to her fridge and texted Liam to come over. Thankfully his apartment was only 5 minutes from her own and he replied immediately, surely thinking she was asking to sleep with him.

Silence met her ears and she gripped the pot tighter, hoping the person would come in before the water cooled down. Just as she was thinking of ducking inside her living room, a large figure rounded the corner and grabbed the pot.

Corinne yelled as the figure threw the boiling water on to the counter and snatched the pot from her hands. Throwing a punch as hard as she could, she used his stunned demeanor to hurry around the doorway.

The plan failed as she was grabbed before she could even fully get two steps in and placed into a chokehold. Her body immediately began bucking and scratching anywhere she could.

"Corinne?" A voice spoke as the hold on her neck was released. She fell to the floor and quickly scrambled away just as another knock sounded at the door.

Corinne threw herself into Liam's arms as soon as the door opened. "Woah, I didn't know you were this excited to see me."

"Intruder!" She cried as she pointed into the condo. Liam immediately placed her behind him before pulling a blade from his pocket. They slowly entered together and Corinne grabbed the broom next to her door for a weapon.

"There!" She cried at the large figure emerging from the dark hallway. Liam began swinging at the figure but they easily dodged him each time. Corinne watched as the figure grabbed Liam's wrist that held the knife then punched him. Liam's body crumpled to the floor.

"It's me, Corinne!" Dean's voice emerged from the figure before he moved to turn on the lamp next to her t.v.

"Liam!" She cried at the sight of the man's bloody nose and knocked out body. "You motherfucker."

Taking her anger out, she began smacking Dean with the broom. As the broom hit him across his legs and arms, Corinne knew he could have easily disarmed her as he'd previously done to herself and Liam. She didn't bother questioning it and instead continued her attack.

"Alright! Alright!" He chuckled before grabbing the dented broom and pulled it from her grasp.

"I'm calling the police if you don't get out." She huffed as she pulled at the hem of her sleep shirt.

"Who's this?" He ignored her statement and instead pointed to Liam.

"None of your business. Get out of my house!" Corinne crossed her arms.

"Wait, you own this condo?" He suddenly snapped his head up at her, a panicked look deep within his eyes.

"Yes, now get out." Corinne stepped closer and grabbed his arm to begin pulling him towards the door. He'd surely put on weight considering it felt like tugging at a brick wall.

"You're shitting me, Corinne. Please, say it's this guys condo." Dean grabbed her this time, easily pulling her closer so she could see the worry across his face.

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