Soul Ties

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Jason sighed as he pulled at his coat zipper and kicked his boots off. The usual emptiness of his home hit harder as he listened to nothingness, his heart yearning for someone to come excitedly greet him after the 10 hour shift.

His stomach growled, but he ignored it as he headed into the bathroom to wash the days dirt away. Once the shower was hot enough he climbed inside and allowed the hot water to soothe his aching muscles.

Running a hand down his face and over his wet hair, Jason felt the familiar longing pull at his core. In all his 28 years, he'd only had 4 girlfriends- all of which quickly ended when he realized they weren't soul tied.

Just as he went to step from the shower, he felt the familiar itch. Jason didn't fight it as his body shifted before allowing the entity free of his body. The looming dark shadow of himself, what was considered his true self, watched on as Jason continued to the sink to brush his teeth.

"What?" He mumbled at the figure's intense glaring.

"We grow older each day yet I feel I've lived an eternity already." The deep, thundering voice would have shook the average person from their skin had they been in the room to hear.

His true self resembled him almost exactly unlike others. The figure was constantly shrouded in a darkness that made it seem like a floating, human-like mass with dark glowing eyes.

"You're being dramatic. We'll find someone one day." Jason shrugged as he finished brushing his teeth and cut the light off.

A wave of coldness follow the mass as it trailed behind him into his bedroom. "I have seen her. She is to be found."

"Yeah, well, unless you can pinpoint an address from our dreams then we're out of luck." Pulling the covers back, he felt relief as the large bed hugged his form.

He'd been constantly dreaming of the same woman for the last two years. The dreams were so real that sometimes even when he woke up, he'd expect to find her there as well. She was his predestined soulmate yet Jason had only seen her in his dreams- he didn't even know if she really existed.

"We must find her. We have seen her so vividly." The form haunted as Jason turned the light off by his bed side.

"Morning, man. They got another rich, snob for you to suck up to." Gabriel laughed as he and Jason shared their usual handshake once clocked in.

"Of course." Jason rumbled as he realized he'd have to sweet talk another investor who couldn't care less what happened to those who worked on his project.

Jason was an underwater welder who was often tasked to work independently with billionaires on their not so legal side hobbies. It paid him well and scored the company better clients hence why he was often the spokesman.

"Good morning, Mr. Hawk. I'm sorry to bother you-"

"I know, Penny, thank you." He smiled brightly to the woman as she began spewing her usual apologies before telling him the news.

Making his way back towards the offices, Jason zipped his hoodie up and ran a hand down his stained jeans. He knocked on the usual meeting room before allowing himself in. His boss and his assistant sat at the table whispering to one another.

"Ah! Just the man I was looking for." Mr. Dan stood, his expensive suit in direct contrast to Jason's appearance.

"Another investor?" He ignored the man's excitement to sit down at the table.

Jason didn't miss the way Sandy, his boss' assistant, eyed him shyly. The woman couldn't hide her crush to save her life, but Jason wasn't interested. He'd been captivated by the woman in his dreams.

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