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No face claims

December 5th, 2020| 10:03 AM | Ford Heights, Michigan

"Can you shred these? And please," Dina stared down her intern, "don't forget to keep your fingers away from the blades this time."

"That was one time, Ms. Moreau." The man sighed as he took the cart filled with boxes of papers.

"One time too many." She called after him as he journeyed to the back room.

Dina returned to her office, her phone immediately ringing as if they'd been waiting until she came in. "Ray of Hope, how may I help you?"

"They cut off my lights again. I told them about the energy assistance program but they said I was lying!" A hysterical woman called loudly into the phone.

"Alright, ma'am, how about you tell me your name and I'll see what I can do."

As the clock struck 6:30pm, Dina packed away her things and turned her monitor off. Ray of Hope was one of the only social service providers in the surrounding 4 cities so she often worked more than the scheduled 9 to 5.

It didn't bother her though as helping those in need was one of the only career paths she could have ever envisioned herself on. Despite the low pay, she couldn't complain. Her beat up Honda sitting in the back parking lot was the only car left, a common occurrence, and she made sure to keep an eye on her surroundings.

She started it up, hoping her dashboard wouldn't light up, before sitting back to allow it to warm up. It was the 5th of December and the subzero temperatures reminded her of that every day.

The ringing of her phone stopped her from putting her car in drive. An international caller I.D. had her pulling her eyebrows and she allowed it to go to voicemail. The iPhone was thrown in her passenger seat while she journeyed home.

Her two bedroom apartment was almost 45 minutes from work and the first investment she'd made once she received her parents inheritance. A $150,000 check her bandaid after 18 years of mental abuse. They'd died in a car crash that she'd have died in too had it not been for her best friend taking her to get a new phone.

Once home, she hurried into the building and up to her apartment. The large boots were kicked off and she slid her leg warmers off before shoving them in her boots. After hanging her coat in the closet, she returned to the living room. "Good evening, beautiful."

The gray tabby, Bella, purred as she rubbed along Dina's leg. Dina reached down to pet the cat for a moment before moving towards the bathroom. The low, tight bun was quickly taken down and she used water to release the hold of her gel.

"Thank god." She moaned as she scratched and rubbed at her scalp. A shower cap was slapped over her undone hair before she eyed herself in the mirror.

She'd never been good at makeup so her go to was a simple filled in eyebrow, lots of mascara, and a soft lip that depended on how she felt that morning. Dina had been told most of her childhood how ugly she was for her full lips and broad nose, but lots of self love helped her see just how beautiful she truly was.

The full triple D breasts and fat ass came with a stomach that seemed to be permanent no matter how much she worked out or how little she ate. The full figure was a blessing and a curse she had to come to terms with. From a young age it earned her unwanted attention from men and nasty comments from thinner women in her life.

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