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Hi guys!!

So I figured I may as well start doing face claims if I find someone I think fits the story. As always, you can imagine whomever!


Alex Dawning 31

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Alex Dawning

Keira Du Point26

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Keira Du Point


Keira sighed as she made her way inside the tall building using the parking garage elevator. Her badge automatically told the metal box which floor to stop at.

"Welcome back, Ms. Du Point." The new blonde, alien looking woman at the front desk smiled brightly at Kiera as she stepped into the lobby.

The office cycled through assistants more than she'd ever imagined. Since she'd been there, Kiera had seen over 146 assistants be fired. It made her feel better about her own job security seeing as how she not only kept her job, but was given random bonuses.

"Thanks." She kept her eyes on the long hallway to her left as her heels echoed on the spotless marble flooring.

As suspected, her office remained untouched when she unlocked the door and she placed her purse in the locked drawer at the bottom of her desk. Being back in the silent, cold room felt surreal after taking a 6 month paid vacation to Algeria.

She performed small work for Dawning incorporated: mailing, filing, scheduling, and the occasional run of errands. The minuscule tasks didn't match her six figure salary, but considering she cleared over $750,000 a year on full time hours alone, she kept her mouth closed and did as she was told.

Working the job had been a sharp change from her $65,000 a year position as a sales representative. Kiera was grateful she took the job when she did as her younger brother was diagnosed with cancer the following year.

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