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"Weapon X6 is here."

Silence filled the room as each of the men held their breath, sweat immediately pooling across their brows.

The wooden door to the meeting room creaked open to reveal a man standing stoically in the doorway. His fists were clenched and his face was hidden behind a dark mask. There were two vents on each side of the mask similar to a gas mask.

As he stepped forwards, the men in expensive suits unconsciously sunk back in their seats. The man oozed an aura that screamed stay away and the room seemed to shrink as he stood awaiting instructions.

His frame was fairly normal. 6'1 and 240 pounds that was clearly all lean muscle yet the others in the room knew he was capable of killing them with the flick of a wrist.

"Umm," one of the men finally broke the silence with a clear of his throat, "w-we, um, we have an assignment."

Weapon X6 simply stood there once more. The low rumble of his breathing in the mask alluded to his animalistic nature. A manila folder was placed on the edge of the table for the man to read.

"It's top priority." The man spoke nervously. His eyes darted across to the others before he jumped back as X6 reached to pull the folder closer.

His hands were hidden by a pair of black gloves and the matching black attire seemed fitting for what he did. He eyed the men once more before finally pulling the folder into his hands and turning to exit.

"Wait!" Someone spoke causing him to pause his step.

"We want her dead. No exceptions."

X6 loaded his rifle into the back of his truck before wiping the blood from his mask. Once back in his truck, he pulled his phone out and sent a message to his contractor letting them know the job had been done.

His eyes flickered to the folder still sitting in his passenger seat. He'd yet to open it as he prioritized his tasks by when he'd been contracted.

Finally pulling the folder into his lap, he allowed his eyes to flicker around the dark woods surrounding him once more before pulling the flap open. A gleaming picture of a black woman sat clipped to the top of a report.

Naomi Reese.

She had long brown hair with streaks of blonde in it that had been pulled up in the front. Her features were sharpened by makeup yet the slanted, almond shaped eyes were clearly natural. His eyes flickered down to the tattoo along her collarbone- a series of numbers he couldn't place.

X6 unclipped the photo before allowing his eyes to trail to the report underneath. The first page contained her life story: currently 32; an only child raised by rich parents; married right out of high school; went to an Ivy League college; became a forensic scientist.

He flipped the next page to see a police report. It detailed a number of charges over a period of six years. They quickly escalated before detailing how the woman had brutally murdered a senator after breaking into his home.

X6 was surprised to see another picture attached to the third page. This time her hair was curly, the tattoo along her collarbone was missing, and her face was clear of makeup. This page detailed how she'd managed to evade capture for the last 3 years.

The last page caused him to finally realize why he'd been hired for such a job. Naomi hadn't stopped with the senator, she went on to kill another 3 congress members and 4 CIA hired operatives.

They'd even moved her to the #1 spot on the FBI wanted list yet she continued to taunt them by frequently leading them on chases, taking pictures outside of government buildings, and had even been seen inside the White House.

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