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Enzo Zhou26

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Enzo Zhou

Celeste Davis24

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Celeste Davis

The rumble of the 12:20am train was muffled by the loud music playing through her headphones. With her bag held tightly across her lap, Celeste kept to herself in the fairly packed train car. Although she'd be getting off on the last stop she knew better than to allow herself to fall asleep on the late night train.

People filed off at their appropriate stops and it wasn't long before the train car had dwindled down to 12 occupants. At the second to last stop, Celeste watched as people filed on and off. A notification on her phone brought her eyes from the closing train doors.

A text from her best friend sat at the top of the screen- it's contents asking if she'd made it home from work yet. She immediately pressed the notification and began detailing a paragraph about how her Uber driver managed to get lost and drop her off five miles from her station just as her phone died.

'You're fucking kidding me! How'd you managed to get back?' Came another immediate response from her best friend.

'I had to walk another mile to a McDonald's and use the outlets there to charge my phone so I could use my Ventra card.' Celeste replied just as the train slowed at her stop.

Her tired body slid from the seat to join the others in slowly exiting the train. The station was pretty empty aside from the other passengers as it was the last train of the night. Celeste mindlessly followed the crowd through the station to the street level exit.

The sound of a crowd reaction caused her to lift her head from staring at the feet of those in front of her. A lean to see what every slowed to look at made her heart drop.

 A lean to see what every slowed to look at made her heart drop

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