Chap 1

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Third POV
Its start with a lovely family that has a twin that is a male and a female with pro heroes parents.But what the son didnt know that the real reality will came to crush his dreamy world soon enough.

-At the hospital-
"Yagi izuku and yagi izuki! Its your turn!" shout a nurse.

"Come on let's go" says inko

"Hey welcome to our hospital and thank you for attending our hospital.Now i have a bad news and a good news which one would you like to hear first mrs.yagi?" says the doctor

"Umm...bad news first i guess" says inko

"Hurm the bad news is your son is quirkless as he has double joint in his toe while the good news is your daugther have a telekinesis quirk and it is quite strong too" explain the doctor.

"Ouhh isnt that great izuki?! Your quirk is pretty strong and maybe you can be a hero one day after you know how to control your quirk!" says inko happily but what she doesnt realise is that her son has been quiet for the whole time.

"Come on let's go home" says inko as she hold her daugther hand proudly. While izuku is moving really slow as the news really crush his heart and hope.

"Izuku can you come here boy?" ask the doctor. Izuku then go to him.The doctor then pats him on the back and says "stay strong izuku i know you can do it".

At first izuku didnt understand that and what you expect a 4 years old child to understand that?

In the car inko keep talking to her daugther about celebrating the news and all. Not even once bring it up to his son who watching the trees that the car pass by.

-At home-

"Hey you guys have come back , welcome back home!!!" says toshinori happily. "What is their quirk inko?" ask toshinori.

"Well izuku is quirkless....BUT OUR DAUGTHER HAVE A TELEKINESIS LIKE ME AND ITS VERY POWERFUL!!!" says inko proudly and happily.

"Wow really?! Then we have to celebrate it arent we" says him as he hold and hug izuki proudly.

At dinner the whole family is eating happily...well not the whole family though as they didnt realise izuku and inko forgot to cook izuku dinner as well.

"Maybe tomorrow would be different?" says izuku in his heart while making his bed to sleep.

But if only the dream can come true but instead the family officially forgotten about izuku and inko starts to forget to cook izuku breakfast,luchbox and dinner. And thats it at the age of four izuku learn how to cook,wash and make or got money himself. Even though he came back home with his body full of scars from his classmates,his sister and his so call friends.

Izuki POV

"Izuku is quirkless?!?!?!?!" shout the bakugou's gaining everyone attention. "Then we should keep him safe out of the heroes and villains world!!!" says katsuki.

"What if we use our quirks on him so that he would not even think about joining the heroes school?" says izuki.

"Maybe we shouldnt" says katzuki.

"But why? If we destroy his dream he might try to let go off that dream of his?!" says katsuki.

-3 days later-

"Well this solution kind of make sense but shouldnt we use another solution?" ask katzuki

"This is the solution" says izuki and katsuki while walking to izuku

"Hey izuku still trying to be a hero?" ask katsuki.

"Yes!!!" says izuku happily as they stop talking to him after he was announce as quirkless.

"Stupid!" shout katsuki while burning him with his quirk

"How can a QUIRKLESS become a hero? You will die faster you know?" shout izuki

"Just give up izuku!" shout katzuki as she join the assault that is happening.

"No I wont give up!" shout izuku back.

"You know what your name can be read by deku and that means useless or wothless so you are deku from now on! HAHAHAHAHA" laugh katsuki.

Izuku then stand up and starts to run until his legs gave up. When he realise that it was late he starts to walk home and he arrives when it was dinner time but he quickly go to his room as he know that his mother forget to cook for him again. He starts to cry to sleep.


Okay so you guys can call me a newbie cause i guess i will try my best to complete his story as i discountinue my old story cause i ran out of idea so here i am writing after 3 please be patient with me 🥰

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