Chap 21

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"Goodjob at enduring your anger,Zuku and Shoto." said Tokoyami.

"Thanks Kage!"

(1 week after the Stain accident)

Third POV

-At UA-

Aizawa walked to his class with a bored face and walk into the class.

"Shut the hell up and listen to me." said Aizawa casually.

But the shocking part is that everyone in the class listen to him and shut up.

"Good. Okay so today we gonna go to USJ. USJ is the short form of its real name."

"So what is the real name then sensei?" ask denki.

"Its call Unforeseen Simulation Joint but its too long and we are very lazy to say it so many times so we decided that we called it USJ instead."

"Ouhh' said the whole class even tenya did.

"Come on suit up!I'm waiting at the bus. Get ready in your hero or sports uniform. I give you 5 minutes to get ready."

-5 minutes later-

"Line up into two lines to go in the bus!" shout Tenya as he is the student representative.

"Shut up bastard you're annoying." said Katsuki.

All of the students go into the bus without lining up,only to see the sits are not like the normal bus. Tenya look down embarrassed.

-At USJ-

"Okay,listen up! The purpose we come here today is to train ourselves for natural disaster and to be more stronger and confident on what to do in the scene when you are involved in one." said Aizawa lazily.

They go in and see that pro hero Thirteen already inside.

"Wahh its Thirteen!" sequel Uraraka,Izuki and Katzuki.

"Hello I am pro hero Thirteen. Today I will help all of you with your training. Don't be shy and just ask me anything at anytime."

Then Aizawa walk to Thirteen and whisper " Where is All Might?"

Thirteen then whiper back to him " He help to catch villain this morning and finish up his 3 hours transformation." and show his 3 fingers.

Aizawa just sigh at how useless and irresponsible All Might is.

"Okay actually All Might is suppose to be here. But he had a little problem so he won't be joining us until his problem is solved" said Aizawa to class 1-A.

When Aizawa about to explain about the USJ more,suddenly the lights about to goes out and a portal are found at the middle of USJ. They see some underrated villains and a bird like villain.

"Wah UA even pay them to act as fake villains." said Kirishima in awe.

"Stand back! Its real villains." said Aizawa.

All the students are shock at what their sensei just said.

"Thirteen! You protect the students! I go and fight them."

"Okay Aizawa be careful!"

The students and Thirteen about to run out of USJ when a portal stop them from escaping.

"Sorry but I'm not gonna let you escape. We are League of Villains or LOV. We came here to kill All Might but where is he? The schedule were changed?" said Kurogiri.

While Kurogiri were talking,Kirishima and Katsuki go to blast and punch him but were failed.

"Thirteen I can't call the school!" shout Kaminari to the pro hero.

"Lida! You are the fastest in here. Go and call Nezu or some pro heroes to come here and help us defeat them!" shout Thirteen.

"But I am the class president,I can't leave all my classmates here!"

"Go Lida!"

"Ugh fine!" answered Lida and ran to the USJ gate.

Kurogiri warp some students to different area in the USJ. He tried to warp Lida but failed as some of the student interfered him.

Thirteen try to suck Kurogiri in his black hole but were failed as Kurogiri warp behind him and use his own quirk to destroyed himself.

Izuki POV

Me,Mineta and Tsuyu were warp to the shipwreck zone. We saw that the villain is all in water.

"Guys do you have any idea on how to get out of here?" I ask them.

"I can jump very high and my tongue can go to 20 metre long." replied Tsuyu.

"I can use my balls in my hair to stick them" said Mineta.

"Its looks like the villain does know our quirk because if not they should have warp Tsuyu to fire zone instead of here." I said.

"How about I jump and try to add some force in the water and Tsuyu take Mineta and jump to the land,use your tongue to catch me. Mineta you use your quirk to stick them to each other."


We carry out the plan and we succeed.

"Now let's go help Aizawa sensei."

(The scenes is the same in the anime but Izuki is Izuku)


I forgot to update yesterday. Sorry for the one that waited for the update.

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