Chap 20

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"That took all my worries away for some reason. Hahahaha"

Third POV

Tokoyami,Izuku amd Shoto are in Hawks office because Hawks will guide them to Hosu City. They heard that Hero Killer is killing heroes around there.

"So the reason I want to bring the 3 of you and not the others because I want to see you potential to take care of a scene if something goes wrong." said Hawks.

"You do know that THE Hero Killer is there right?" asked Izuku.

"About that. UN called me to give you and Shoto a mission."

"What is it?"

"Put Hero Killer down or in jail."

"You gotta be kidding me." Tokoyami say in shock.

"Don't worry Tokoyami-kun they are basically a pro heroes already but have not graduate or officially announce yet." said Hawks.

"Its gonna be a tired mission and I'm feeling unmotivated." said Shoto.

"If you and me succeed the mission I will let you kiss me and cuddle all night for 5 days." bribed Izuku.

"Deal!" answered Shoto fastly and suddenly feeling motivated.

"Okay enough with your flirty actions. Come on we have a train to catch."


-In the train to Hosu City-

Izuku were talking randoms thing with Hawks and Shoto were sleeping peacefully when suddenly a Nomu come crash to the train leaving the train with a big hole.

"Come on! Vixen,you and Firefrost go and check the city incase Hero Killer come out because of this chaos. Tsukuyomi come and follow me!" shout Hawks

"Yes sir!"

Izuku and Shoto then run out of the train and go to an alley to search for the Hero Killer. Suddenly they heard some shouting happening,they ran to that location only to see a hero that is recognize as Nature and a boy who look like Ingenium's little brother on the floor bleeding. Stain about to stab the Ingenium boy when Izuku and Shoto interrupt him with their fire quirk.

"Yow Stain! Its a great night isnt it?" ask Izuku with a bored Shoto following behind.

"Who are you lil boy? Don't interrupt me,I will fight you after I kill this boy and that hero over there."

"I am Vixen and this bored looking boy over here is my fiancé,Firefrost. And we are here to take you down so please cooperate."

"Don't play with me boy,I can kill you in a second."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm 100% sure lil boy,don't get so cocky just because you are a hero."

"Then come and try to find out whether its true or not."

Stain run towards Izuku trying to cut one of his cheeks to paralyze him. But before he could do that Izuku dodge the sword and Shoto froze Stain by his legs on the alley's floor.

"Just giv-" before Izuku can say anything the boy cut his sentence.

"Don't interfered! This is my fight with him! I can win this fight!" Lida said to Izuku and Shoto.

"Really? If you can win then why are you on the floor and me still standing up?" said Izuku.

"Don't start a fight if you can't win it,boy." said Shoto countinuing Izuku's sentence.

Stain suddenly broke out of the ice and try to stab Shoto when Izuku teleport behind him and attack Stain with a whip that were make from water. And Stain fall unconscious on the floor.

Shoto then proceed to take all Stain's knives and swords. He then tie Stain's hand together tightly.

Lida try to move and stand up. He about to shout to Izuku when a group of heroes come running to them with Hawks and Tokoyami.

Hawks and Tokoyami recognize Izuku and Shoto by their masks. Izuku can see that his sister is also there while Shoto saw Endeavor too.

"Omg is this THE Hero Killer:Stain?" asked a pro hero.

Izuku and Shoto just nod to the hero. Because if they talk,the heroes will find out who they are.

Izuku type in his phone 'we have to leave now! My twin sister and Endeavor is here!' and show it to Hawks. Hawks then nod at him.

"Okay goodjob Vixen and Firefrost! Now both of you and Tsukuyomi can go back to the agency." said Hawks.

They were about to leave when the head of police department in Japan stop them.

"Sorry Hawks but looks like 2 of your intern have to come with us. They use their quirks to fight with a villain without permission." said the head of police department.

The police officers take out their quirk cancelling cuffs but before the police officers could cuff Izuku and Shoto,they take their UN hero license and show it to them.

All of them are shock as they were Hawks interns AND they were also UN heroes. They knew that even the head of police department can't stop them. They are UN heroes thats mean they don't follow any rules except for UN's.

The police officer keep the cuffs back in the case and let Izuku and Shoto walk away.

They walk for a bit before Izuku decided to teleport all three of them inside Hawks agency.

"Fuh!That was close! There was Endeavor and Izuki at the scene." said Izuku.

"Goodjob at enduring your anger,Zuku and Shoto." said Tokoyami.

"Thanks Kage!"

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