Chap 36

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In less than 3 minutes all the students except the Elements are out of the bound.

The stadium was loud from the audience cheering for the Elements while they walk back to their seat gracefully.

Third POV

"Good game" Izuku and Shoto said in sync from their seat.

Izuki,Katsuki and Katzuki just glare at them as they cannot attack them or they will be going to jail.

"We are going to have a break for 40 minutes!" Present Mic announced.

"Sir! May i ask something?Why are we having a 40 minutes break sir!" Iida asked not letting Present Mic say anything in between his questions.

"Well Iida we are having 40 minutes break for the students to regain their energy and letting the teachers to get the prizes ready for the award ceremony." Present Mic answer him.

"Ouhh Thank you for answering sensei!" Iida said.

"Yea sure" Present Mic said in a bored voice.

-after 40 minutes-

"Hello hello hello~ Are everyone ready to start the award ceremony?! If yes yell Plus Ultra!" Present Mic said.

"PLUS ULTRAAAA!" all the audience shouted.

"Woah looks like all of us are so lively and ready for the award ceremony!"

"Now now I will hand the authority of the mic to Midnight now"

"Thank you Present Mic. Now let us begin the award ceremony!"


"Before that. Can I have the Elements and their leader with the co-leader or fiancé to give the medals to the winners?"

"Why not All Might,Midnight sensei?" a student asked.

"He is principal Nezu right now drinking some tea." Midnight said while trying to suppressed a smirk but failing.

"If it was drinking some tea then why are she smirking?!" all the students thought.

"Now can we ask for you to give the medals pro-hero Vixen and pro-hero firefrost?"

"Pro hero?! Isn't he and his fiancé like in our age?!" all the students thought again.

"Yea sure" Izuku said walking down the stairs to get to the mini stage that were build by Cementoss in the middle of stadium with the other Elements members following behind him.

"Thank you for helping wih the ceremony Vixen."

"In a third place,we have..... Iida and Tokoyami-kun!" Izuku walk towards them and give their medals. Their reply with a thank you and a handshake.

"In the second place,we have the Bakugo twins!" Shoto then give out their medals.

"In the first place, we have ..... IZUKI YAGI!" Midnight shout for some sound effect.

"Yeahhh!" some audience shout probably because she is the daugther of All Might.

"Should we listen to the number 1 winner speech?" Midnight said.

"Uhm...I tell you that I will win" Izuki said in a smug tone. She then walk away from the mic getting some booing.

While she walking away from the mic suddenly the ground began to shake.

"Earthquake?!" a student shout in panic.

"Not its not an earthquake! Its the villains. Probably a S rank." Izuku said.

"Sophia! Oliver! Axel! Protect and bring all the civilians at least 10 km away from here. After that come to help us out here. Things are really getting dirty this time." Izuku giving out the orders.

"Yes sir!"

Sophia and Oliver then help all the civilians to get out of the UA with Axel's sheilding them from any debris that fell.

"Any HC student try to call my father and ask him to send some help. He is in Japan for some meeting so he can help us at least to get all the civilians away. Then get out of here." Izuku said to the HC students.

"I will call him!" a random student shout as he has an electric quirk.

After 2 minutes All for One finally came into their sight.

"Hello nice to meet you All for One! How's your day?" Izuku said.

"Wow the son of All Might and Floater? then you must be pretty strong after all huh" All for One said.

"I maybe his biological and by blood son but the truth is I am the son of Hisashi Midoriya!" Izuku shout back.

"Stop talking and fight me bastard!" Katsuki shout.

"What the hell are you still doing here?!" Izuku shout to Katsuki,Katzuki amd Izuki.

"We are helping you!" Izuki shout.

"No way in hell!" Shoto shout this time.

"Sir!" a man in suit suddenly come to them.

"Good you are here. Now bring all these selfish and egostic people out of here. If they fight back then use force." Shoto ordered them.

"Yes sir!"

"Izuku!" Hisashi shout from a quirk proof car.

"Hey dad!" Izuku smiled.

"Izuku please be careful!" Hisashi said.

"For your information dad. I do believe you know this but....I love you with all my heart. Incase I don't survive this fight,please don't cry all day and night and move on for me." Izuku said with teary eyes. (I cried while writing this part)

"Izuku don't say that." Hisashi started banging on the door but the driver lock it.

"Bye dad see you soon. This is my fight and I will fight with all my power."

With the last sentence he nod at the driver. The car then begin to speed up to the fastest speed to get the hell out of there.

"Let's end this now All for One. I have a family to come back too." Izuku said with a serious face and tone.

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