Chap 5

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(Imma change shocchan to sho only)

Izuku POV

It was dinner time when me and sho arrive at sho's home. Fuyumi and natsuo saw us and welcome us home. Fuyumi then take out the dinner and guess what? Its katsudon for dinner!!!

"I cook it for you izuku as it is your favourite food and i want to send you with you at least taste a katsudon cooked by me" says fuyumi.

"Thank you fuyumi nee-san" i said. I then face her only to see her face is full of tears and i start panicking but she run to me in a fast speed and hug me tightly.

"Your welcome and thank you izuku for seeing me as your sister instead of any stranger that only helps you" she say while crying and hiccuping.

"I will always see you as my sister after all im your brother in-law" i say with a small smirk. She then were tore apart from me by sho and start eating dinner.

- Dday-

Today is our departure and we were trying so hard to not to shed any tears as we want to depart with a smile on our faces.

We talk for a while before we separate. Me and sho decided start to running before endeavor come back from his vacation house.

Shoto POV

As we were running as fast as we can to get away from my house,we suddenly come to a stop because we heard some noises or more like fight noises between a hero and a villain.

We start to run to the direction of the noises and we found a man who look like 40 years old was fighting with a guy who look like a villain as he wore a mask that covered half of his face.

The villain is about to stab the man in the heart but when i felt some strong wind pass by me and i realise that izuku is the cause of the strong wind when i saw that izuku gave the villain a hard punch in the jaw that causes him to flew away from them and knock out.

I then saw that izuku trying to stop a panic attack as then i remembered that izuku is quirkless but how does a quirkless can run and punch like that!?

I started to run while using my ice quirk to make me more faster to go to izuku and hug him as he start to hypervalenting. He then shout " Why? Just why now?!"

I tried to calm him down but he keep on shouting.

"Why you decided to come out now? Why quirk?!?! I ran away from home because of you! I got mentally and physically abused because of you?! And what now!" he shouted that when suddenly he faint in my arm. I then get ready to pick him up and run when a troop of soldier in black? came running towards the man and ask the older man what happened. The man than explain what happened and turn to me with a face that asking me to explain what does izu mean by ran away from home.

Hisashi POV

"Its over now Newt!" I shout to the villain when he suddenly start running and was about to stab me in the heart when a boy interupt him with a hard punch in the jaw. I then look at the boy in shock.

The boy made an eye contact with me before he get a panic attack at first it is a normal panic attack but as time goes on he started to hypervalenting when another boy come and hug him from behind and tried to calm him down.

"Why? Just why now?!" the small boy shouted while the bi coloured hair boy hug him harder.

"Why you decided to come out now? Why quirk?!?! I ran away from home because of you! I got mentally and physically abused because of you?! And what now!" the small boy shouted that when he suddenly faint in the bi coloured hair boy arms. The boy then start to pick him up and getting ready to run when my troop of soldiers that is full of dominant aura came towards me to ask what happened. I just explain it in a simple words and turn to face the bi coloured hair boy,i guess the confusing on my face stated clearly that i want him to explain by what the fainted boy were saying.

Shoto POV (again ^-^)

I then ask the man who is him and why must i explain everything to him as he is a stranger to us with that i hug izu tighter in case they attack us.

"Who are you to know?" I ask.

"I am Midoriya Hisashi" he answered back.

"Midoriya Hisashi isnt that the ceo of Midoriya Corps (MC) and the leader of a mafia group called FORCE?" I ask him again.

"Yeah thats me" he answered again.

I countinue to stare at him in shock.

"If i tell you our story...can you not report us as missing teenagers?" I ask him to make sure that he can be trusted.

"Of course. You can trust me 100% because im pretty intrested in the boy in your arms. If he doesnt have a guardian i think i would like to take him under my wings as my son." he answered.

This time i stared him in shock.

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