Chap 7

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- 3 days later -

Izuku POV

I began to wake up to an unfamiliar surrounding. After a while I have my full vision of my surrounding and saw that it looks like a hospital but a private and own one.

I then saw Sho is sleeping on the other bed beside mine. I started to stare at him before he suddenly began to yawn loudly and try to adjust to his surrounding. I can see that he is panicking as he doesnt know where were we.

But when he made an eye contact with me I can see that the panicking reduce a bit but that doesnt mean he let his guard down. I can see that he is eyeing the guards by the door.

I saw that he saw about to attack the guards when a familiar men walk in and straight away come to us. I thought that maybe Sho will try to protect me from this unknown yet familiar men and i saw Sho let his guard and protectiveness down.

I then start to get comfortable because if Sho letting his guard down thats mean he really trust that this man and his soldier or guards will not try to harm us.

Hisashi POV

I was having a meeting when my personal assistant (PA) report to me that Izuku and Shoto is awake.

I then rush out of the meeting room leaving my personal assistant (PA) to assist and explain why i have to leave the meeting so urgently.

I quickly run to the my private hospital called bayview (idk dont ask me) and scan my thumb on the scanner to open the door.

I saw that Izuku and Shoto is making an eye contact with face full of confusion and worry with the unfamiliar surrounding.

I then go in the hospital and their point of view. I can see that Shoto let his guard down after he saw me. I just give them a warm smile.

"How are you guys holding up?"

"Why bother asking when you should know that we just woke up" Shoto answered me tiredly.

"Hahahahaha sorry it just that you guys have been asleep for 3 days and it start to worry me a bit."


"W-wait 3 DAYS?!?!?!" Shouted Izuku.

"Yea Izuku and my name is Hisashi Midoriya if you are wondering"

"Hisashi Midoriya as in the richest man in the world and the CEO of a company name Midoriya Corps (MC) and a mafia group called FORCE?" asked Izuku with big wondering and sparkling eyes.

"Yup the one and only"

"WoW" he said still in daze and big eyes.

"If 3 days has pass then where are we right now?" asked Shoto.

"Ouh i brought both of you to New York as New York is where im staying for now"

"Thank you for taking us under your wings Hisashi" Izuku said.

"No problem kids. And I have a suprise for you Izuku. As Shoto already know but you havent. I want to be your guardian and take the roll of your parents but" I said but stop out of nervous.

"But?" said Izuku.

"But I decided to take Izuku as my official son so that I have a heir to take after my company and mafia group. If you are wondering why then I will tell you why. Well I had a lovely wife name Elena and a daugther called Violet. Sadly enough they died because of villain attack,the villain tried to run away from pro heroes but accidentally hit my wife's car. Thats what happened and I would still be your guardian Shoto but if i put you as Midoriya Shoto then you cannot marry Izuku in the future because of same family so you stuck with Todoroki as your last name but after married you will be Midoriya instead and the marrying wont be after 3 years from now because both of you still 15 at the time." I explain.

"Im okay with that how about you Izu?" he ask his mate.

"Im trusting my life to you Hisashi after all you taking care of us and not the way around" Izuku said.

"Ouh please you can be as comfortable as you can heck you can even walk around naked but my bodyguards will make NO ONE see your body" I say back while glaring to all my bodyguards.

"Okay then we trusting our life in your hand then father in-law" Shoto say while smirking.

"Yea dad" Izuku say back with a smirk and innocent eyes.

"Then im trusting that you can protect my son Shoto and son please dont walk around or play with dangerous things".

"Yes dad" both of them say.

"Good" I say happily because of yhe answer. "Now should I tour you around the whole house?"

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