Chap 16

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They can see that Izuku and Shoto start to warm up to them and getting  themself comfortable with the conversation.

-After school-

Third POV

"Hey guys do you want to come over to my house? We can hang out at my house pool." said Izuku.

"Yea sure!" all of them replied.

-At Izuku's House-

"Wah your house sure is big,bigger than mine. Well its expected from the Midoriya's family that is the richest man in the world after all." said Alex.

"Well this is my father house. I want to work for myself so that I can make money and buy this kind of house for our hang out place. Its also will be just for me,Sho and our kids house." reply Izuku.

"Yea not YOU have to its WE have to work for our family in the future." said Shoto pouting a bit.

"Hahaha well what are we waiting for? Let's go inside!" Oliver say excitedly.

"Yea yea wait you energy boost!" said Izuku while scaning his thumb on the fingerprint scanner for the access to go inside the house.

When they go inside the house,the 4 friends were shock to see the inside is so warm and they can feel all the love Hisashi gave to Izuku and Shoto as a father and guardian. They countinue to stare in awe.

"Welcome back young masters!" said a maid with a warm smile.

"We are back! Where is dad?" said Izuku.

"Ouh he is in his studyroom planning the budget and necessitise for a new company that he just bought recently" reply another maid.

"I'm gonna help him with the planning. Please call us down when the dinner is done. And all of you guys can have a sleepover here too we have enough guest rooms but just remember to inform your parents or guardian." said Izuku and dash to his dad's studyroom to help him.

"Roger young master." all of them say and bow jokingly.

-With Izuku and Hisashi-

(Still third pov)

"Hey dad! I'm home!"

"Welcome back Izuku. Where is Shoto?"

"He is downstairs entertaining our guests."

"Guests? I don't remeber having an appoinment."

"Ouh its not your guests its ours. We brought our friends here and don't worry they ain't gold diggers cause all of them is top 4 in HC and came from rich families."

"I'm happy that both of you are making such a wonderful friends. Now should I go and greet them too? I have finished my work."

"Sure come on"

-Back again with the Elements-

They were chatting about their life and goofing around (well mainly Oliver and Sarah) when they saw Hisashi amd Izuku coming down the stairs.

"Hello Mr.Midoriya I am a really huge fan of yours and were greatful to see you in person." Oliver said over excited.

"Hello to all of you thank you for being my son and son in-law friends. Please just call me Hisashi." Hisashi said with a smile on his face.

"You are welcome Mr. Midor- I mean Hisashi. Well Shoto is a little bit quiet but that can be change." reply Sophia.

"Uhm? Shoto? Quiet? Are you serious when did I see Shoto being quiet?"

"Uhm why? Isn't he always quiet?"

"He always nag to Izuku and complain to me if Izuku playing dirty or when Izuku won't listen to him. Sometimes he even yell out of nowhere saying he letting out his frustration." Hisashi said smirking.

"F-fa-father don't expose me like that" said Shoto blushing a bit.

"Awe look at that,he is blushing and my fiancé rarely blush except when he is with me." said Izuku with a playful tone.

"Shut up Izu." reply a flustered Shoto.

And then everyone laugh at a blushing Shoto.

Heyya I'm changing Izuku's hero name to vixen instead of deku.

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