Chap 27

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"Let's start the show should we?" said the teacher smirking a bit.

Third POV

"The first challenge is obstacles race! You guys are ready?!"

"Hell yeah!"

"If yes then start!"

All the students start to run but Shoto manage to freeze them on the ground yet some of the students manage to escape to dodge it.

Their first obstacles are some robots that is really fast and huge.

Izuku fly over the robots while Shoto freezes the robots and they fall because of imbalance. All the Elements members passed the first obstacles.

-skip for 10 minutes-

They are now at the last obstacles and that is mine land. Izuku just use his flying method but the others have to walk through the mine because they can't fly by using their quirk.

Ranking for obstacles race : 1. Izuku 2. Shoto 3. Alex 4. Oliver 5. Sophia and 6. Sarah.

"Now now are tired now?!"

"No we just getting started!"

"Then let's proceed to the second challenge that is battles. Our school will do the challenge with all of our students from first year to third year."

"The rule is first no killing,second throw they out of the bound or knock them out,third this can be individually or group but you will fight each other until we have the top 10 winner!" said the teacher.

All the students from first year to third year gone up the stage and start to warm up their body.


All the students begin to throw each other out of the bound yet no one approach the Elements. They watch all the students try to eliminate each other.

"Why no one approaching us? I start to get bored." said Oliver pouting.

"That because no one want to feel an early death stupid." answer Alex

"Can't you say it gently hubby?" said Oliver while looking at Alex.

"I'm sorry babe." said Alex with a guilty look on his face.

"Mom and dad please concentrate on the fight." said Izuku.

Alex and Oliver just stop and blush because of the nickname.

"Will you guys stop calling us with that nickname?" asked Alex.

"Nope!" said all of them even Shoto.


"Because it suits both of you so much and you guys are soulmates so that shouldn't be a problem." Sophia said.

"Agree!" all of them said in sync in again.

"But what about Shoto and Zuku?"

"They are the innocent couple and Zuku is the mischiveous child while Shoto is the lazy ass child."

"Don't judge me for being lazy."


Its quiet for a while.

"And I am not mischiveous!"

"Says the one that pull a prank on their own dad."

While they were talking the students on the stage only left with 13 students including them.

"Wow I didn't realized we were talking for a long time." said Oliver with sparkling eyes.

"Guess its our turn then?"

All the Elements member start to fight with the remaining students.

After 5 minutes the Elements members are the only one on the stage still not out.

They start to run to Izuku as he is the strongest in the group and it was impossible to win if its on one vs one fight.

Izuku just push them by using wind element and go fly to the sky. He signal to the mc to not tell the members where he is.

The Elements members start to fight each other Sophia vs Sarah and Alex vs Oliver.

Sophia and Oliver win and start to fight each other until they run out of energy. They started to pants heavily when suddenly they realise that they have not see Izuku since they were blown by him and look up in the sky to see him smirking.

Izuku make himself fall and put 5% of energy absorption into an axe kick. He then collide with the ground which make stage break and the debris flying. Sarah and Oliver flied out of the bound.


"Vixen!Vixen!Vixen!" all the Hc students chant his hero name.

"Thank you for the good fight!" shout Izuku to all the students

The students still chanting Izuku's hero name while the Elements walk towards their waiting room to have a break before the award ceremony.

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