Chap 37

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"Let's end this now All for One. I have a family to come back too." Ozuku said with a serious face and tone.

Third POV

All for One then tried to paralyzed Izuku but failed as Izuku break free from the paralyze command by absorbing more energy from the sun. Izuku then shoot out some powerful fire balls and then sharp ice towards All for One. Some of the ice manage to graze AFO on his arms.

While AFO were distracted with the pain and try to heal himself,Izuku bind him by using shadows. Then Shoto burn him with fire but still alive because he has no intention to kill him.

"Huh? Why does it feels like he is weaker than before?" Izuku whisper to Shoto.

"Yea I have a bad feeling about this." Shoto whisper back.

What they didn't realise is when they are busy talking Tomura or also known as Shigaraki go towards AFO and kill him.

"Stupid heroes got distracted while still in a fight." AFO said before dying.

"Goodbye sensei. I love you forever." Tomura said then fly high in the sky and wait there.

"Shoto get everyone out of here now! No one except for me are going with this fight!" Izuku said to Shoto.

"No! I won't leave you! I will stay here with you!" Shoto answer back.

"Shoto please listen to me! Don't worry I will be back to you,alive! Just please get out of here." Izuku said with some tears starting to build in his eyes.

"Urgh fine!" Shoto said as he lose for the tears in his fiancé's eyes. He ran towards a hero who has telepathy quirk and tell her "Telepath everyone in your radar of 10 km and tell them to get out of here. He (Vixen) will settle this fight."

"Got it." the hero noded.

Everyone started to run out of the stadium with out stopping as they has to be at least 10 km away from the stadium.

"I love you Izuku!" he shouted while running and crying.

"I love you too Shoto!" Izuku shout back.

Shoto smiled while running after hearing that. He then lead the running group towards two choppers that is landing and then Hisashi open the door.

"Come on we have to get away from here!" Hisashi said.

All the heroes then fastly move into the choppers.

As they were about 20 km from the ground,they heard a big explosion coming from the stadium. They see that the stadium is on fire.

"No! No! Open the door! Open the fucling door! Let me fucking out!" Shoto shouted while banging the door.

Some pro-heroes tried to stop him but failed.

"Shoto! Shoto! He will make it out alive. He promise you didn't he?" Hisashi said trying to comfort and huging the boy.

"I love him father. I love him." Shoto said with a weak voice.

"I know. And I love both of you. But I have to do this or else Izuku will hate me for letting you risking your life for him." Hisashi said.

All the heroes that was in the chopper with them started to shed some tears in silent and hope that Izuku made it out alive.

-back to the fight-

"Trying to save everyone huh,hero? And such a romantic fiancé you got there. He will be a great toy to play with." Tomura said teasing Izuku from the sky.

Izuku then use his wind to fly up to the sky too.

"Shut your fucking disgusting mouth right now Shigaraki Tomura." Izuku said in a low tone.

"Wow did a hero just tell me that? Well you know what,I have all quirks from AFO because I am his heir. So I basically more powerful than you bastard. Goodluck fighting me"

"Ouh maybe you are the one who need a great luck to fight against me." Izuku retort back.

"Let's start  the fight now Tomura-kun~" Izuku said in a maniac voice.

Without any countdown Izuku use his wind and bring down Tomura on the ground.

Izuku punch the hell out of Tomura when suddenly Tomura use one of his quirk and let out a really big explosion making Izuku fly away from him.

"You know...just because you have more quirks than me you forgot something." Izuku said.

"W-what is it?"

"You forgot that I have more experience with my quirk has it more earlier than yours" Izuku said and blast a really big ice to Tomura.

After that Izuku absorb more energy from the sun making his body heat up and use 100% then punch Tomura. Tomura feels so weak after that punch.

Izuku body heat still high so he shot out a big fire to Shigaraki burning him until he died.

Izuku then turn around and was about to leave when Shigaraki use the last energy of his and stab Izuku with multiples knife/swords from the back. He then died after that but happy thinking that he killed Izuku too.

After a while Izuku tried to gather all of his energy and call Hisashi to send some medicals towards him.

"Hey dad" Izuku said with a weak tone.

"Izuku! Did you win the fight?!"

"Yes I won."

"Yes! But why did you sound like you are in pain?"

"Well thats the thing....I was stab multiples time and loosing a lot of blood so" Izuku stopped in the mid sentence.

"S-so?" Hisashi stuttered.

"Send me some medicals" Izuku finish saying the sentence with a loud breath.


"Izuku you better answer me! Izuku don't you dare fall asleep! I will send the medicals right now!"


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