Chap 23

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"I really need to go now. Bye!"

"Bye. See you soon!"

Third POV

-2 days later- (camp training)

"Okay today we are going to Heroes Academy or better known as HC. So gear up,I'll be waiting in front of the bus!" Aizawa said to his class.

"Ok sensei!"

-5 minutes later-

"Let me remind all of you about something!"

"What is it Aizawa sensei?" asked Uraraka.

"Alright! All of you maybe feel confident BUT you have to remember! Our school is the number 1 in JAPAN but HC is the number 1 in the whole WORLD!"

"Yes sensei!"

"GOOD! That's all for now. Come on we are getting late!"

-In HC training hall-

Still in Third POV

Izuku and the Elements has arrived with some choosen students from first to third year that were choosen by the principal himself to attend this camp. But mostly are the third year because of their experience and more maturity. And the Elements are the obly first years there. They were waiting for the UA students arrival.

After about 15 minutes they finally saw the UA students entering the hall.

"All right come on all of you!" said Mr. Davis.

All the HC students walk slowly to the principal by slowly that means really slow. Some were sleepy as they were aleeping while waiting and some were still eating some snacks.

"Rude" Lida said under his breath but the HC's students heard him and give him some glaring that can kill.

"Okay listen up! We ar-" Mr.Davis stopped making the UA students and teachers confuse.

"The Elements please come here and listen to me talking even thought you know what I'm gonna talk about."

"Fineeee" all of the Elements said.

"Thank you for your cooperations."

"So I'll countinue what I was about to say just now. We are here today for school collaberation on our training for a week. So here I want to say welcome UA high from Japan to our school."

All the HC students clap their hand lazily well all except for Elements they didn't even clap in the first place.

"I am Mr. Aizawa or also known as Erasurehead and I think all of you knew who is All Might and Floater so im gonna skip their introduction. My class's president is Lida" Lida step forward with a proud smile.

"But I think its better to complain to me than him so its doesnt matter if he is the president of the class or what ever." countinued Aizawa and that make Lida to take a step back out of shame.

"DAMN SWAG!" a student from HC shouted while the others just laugh at the comment.

"So Elements want to say something?" asked principal Davis.

"I want to say 4 things only. One don't come near me and my group. Two don't fuck with us. Three Kage bring your ass and come here right now. Four Kage is our new member so don't fuck with him also." said Izuku.

"Hello fuckers. Nice mask you got there." Tokoyami said while walking to them.

"Hey Kage!Looking handsome aren't you!" shout Sarah.

"Hey Sarah,looking attractive as ever " said Tokoyami.

"Okay stop flirting both of you. Now Mr.Davis is today only the introduction or we starting the training right now."

"I guess we can start the training right now but all of you go and change to your hero suit."

"Yes sir!"

"Yes sir!"

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(That is their group mask)

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(That is their group mask)

(You can decide who wearing which one for the hero costume btw i will show for Elements only)

"All of you are here now?" asked Mr.Davis.

"Everyone except the Elements Mr.Davis" said a HC student.

"Don't mind them. They will come soon enough."

When the principal finished his sentence the Elements walk through the door.

"Okay so we are starting the training as the troublemakers yet the strongest in our school is here."

"Like our routine,all of you are free to choose a trainer from the Elements to teach you both combat and quirk train. Any questions?"

"Sir! Can I know why the students are the one teaching and not the teachers? That is just wrong to abused the power of a teacher like this!" Lida said.

"As you can see,the Elements are more stronger then the teachers over here. Yes the students can also ask a teacher to teach them but everyone in HC prefer and respects the Elements more than the teachers. Its also give the teachers some time off to mark the papers of exam or planning for quirk exam." answered Mr.Davis 'calmly' to Lida.

"But si-"

"Shut the fuck up you robot. You are in America right now,not in Japan and thats mean you are in OUR territory not yours." said Izuku.

"Damn thats hot." said Shoto outloud,well not that he care also.

"Thank you babe!" said Izuku while giving Shoto a peck in his cheeck but still by the mask.

"So let's choose the trainer should we?" said Mr.Davis.

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