Chap 35

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All the members of Elements turn around and face with all 13 of UA students.

"This gonna be easy "

Third POV

"Let's begin!" Present Mic anounncing the starting of the last challenge.

Izuku and Shoto started to smirk as they can beat Izuki and Bakugo twins without breaking any law or rules.

"Give me the Katsuki guy and you can take care of your sister. Sarah you can go a head and play with the Katzuki. Others don't interrupt us or you will get some harsh beating from me." Shoto said in a dark tone and his face saying that 'im gonna enjoy playing with this useless guy'.

"Roger Sho~" Izuku said with a playful voice.

"Ouh I'm so gonna enjoy this~" Sarah said loudly.

After the command Shoto took off and ran at full speed going to Katsuki with an intention and that intention is to kill 'Katsuki Bakugo'.

He punch Katsuki in the stomach by using 35% of his power yet Katsuki vomit blood from the punch.

"Damnnn that was powerfulll!" Mic shout.

"It's not even half of my power and you vomit blood already? How weak." Shoto said and glare to the boy that is on the floor.

All the students around him look at him in teror after hearing what he said.

"Huh weak?Weak?! Come here you fucker!" Katsuki shout running towards Shoto and blast him in the face.

"Hah! Get that motherfucker" said Katsuki in a smug voice thinking he have won the fight.

They wait for the smoke to be cleared. After the smoke was cleared,they see that not even a scratch was on him.

Shoto is behind an ice that he made for the impact but the ice doesn't crack one bit.

"So its true that I thought you were weak. My ice doesn't crack at all."

"Huh?! You half and half bastard!" Katsuki run to blast him again.

But this time Shoto doesn't give him a chance to attack and freeze him to the ground. Shoto then use his fire to burn Katsuki a bit but carefully avoided the ice incase the ice melt from the heat.

"What are you doing IcyHot bastard!"

"Isn't this what you do to my soulmate before he ran away? But look this time I will burn you instead of you burning him. Welcome to the hell Katsuki Bakugo."

With that Shoto melt the ice at a fast speed and use his fire and ice at the same time to throw Katsuki out of the bound.

"Katsuki Bakugo is out of the bound!" Midnight announce.

While Shoto was fighting Izuku and Izuki go for each other. Izuki go for his brother out of love and Izuku go for Izuki out of fury.

Izuki tried to make Izuku tired himself out by using One For All,running and punching him yet Izuku doesn't even ran out of breath. The one who is tired now is Izuki.

"What are you? Monster of stamina?" Izuki said still out of breath from the running.

"Nah you are just too weak." Izuku retort back.

"Wa-what" stutter Izuki.

"You didn't hear it? Then let me say it once again. YOU ARE JUST TOO WEAK!" Izuku shout letting all the audience hear him.

Shoto is chilling on the floor with a smirk,proud that his fiancé getting his revenge on his so call sister.

Izuki then charge at him again but once she about to punch him,Izuku was gone. She turn to look behind her only to see Izuku is there.

She tried to punch him again but only her punch to get caught easily by Izuku.

"Wow you sure are weak if I can caught your punch in ease?" Izuku said rilling her anger up.

"Shut up!" she then use her leg to kick Izuku but was whip by a whip that made of water.

"Huh? Water?" Izuki then feel pain and look down to her leg and see it was bleeding.

"Izuku stop toying with her and end the fight." Shoto said.

"Aw man but it was fun!" pout Izuku.

"Fine fine go on and you won't get cuddles for a week." Shoto threathen him.

But suprisingly Izuku use his wind and throw Izuki out of the bound of course clumsily so that she at least has a broken hand or arm.

With the wind some students was also thrown out of the bound from the impact.

When he about to walk to Shoto he felt someone touch him. He look at the person and see Monoma was smirking.

Monoma then play with the fire from the kitsune's quirk on his finger.

"Wow such a powerful quirk!"

He then shot Izuku with the fire but the fire then turn into ice.

"You see. My quirk can't attack me my dude." Izuku said with a smirk scaring Monoma a bit.

Monoma then tried to use energy absorption and punch Izuku.

He felt that his body starting to hurt and after the punch,he find that his arm was broken.

"Let's take that as a lesson huh? My quirk is dangerous. You're lucky only your arm was broken and not your rib or lungs torn."

After that sentence Monoma quickly turn off the quirk out of scared.

"Well thank you for you hard work!" Izuku said and use his wind and throw Monoma out but more gentler than Izuki's landing as his arm was already broken.

He turn around then yell

"All of you stop playing with them and end the fight!" Izuku shout to his members.

"Roger cap!"

In less than 3 minutes all the students except the Elements are out of the bound.

The stadium was loud from the audience cheering for the Elements while they walk back to their seat gracefully.

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