Chap 10

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"I can introduce you officially as my son and son in-law proudly knowing you guys are not problematic children or a ill mannered children." Hisashi says in relief.

- The day that Hisashi will introduce Shoto and Izuku-

Third POV

-After eating lunch-

"Now both of you go and get ready for the meeting with the higher rank people. I have put a tuxedo in our room. Take a bath and wear it properly if you do not know how just call me or one of the bodyguards or maids to help you." Hisashi said.

Shoto tuxedo

Izuku tuxedo

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Izuku tuxedo

"Ready? If yes then let's go to the meeting room then

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"Ready? If yes then let's go to the meeting room then."says Hisashi.

After 10 minutes of walking in the long hallway,they finally arrive. They walked into a meeting room full with higher rank and looking bored people.

Meeting room

"Welcome,sir and young masters

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"Welcome,sir and young masters." said one of the higher rank people. All the members that inside the meeting room bow their head to Hisashi and then saw Izuku and Shoto. They heard some rumors about Hisashi adopted a son and have a son in-law but now it was confirmed because they just see it themselves.

Izuku and Shoto pulled a chair and sit beside Hisashi who sat at the head of the long meeting table.

"Please take a sit everybody. I want to introduce my son Midoriya Izuku with his fiancé and my son in-law Todoroki Shoto. My son Izuku will lead the Force group and my company MC in the future. All the Force and MC members have to approve him to be the leader so that he can start his training." Hisadhi said. All the members started to whisper and some nodding their head.

"Sir, with all my respect can I know why you choose this random child and his fiancé to be your successor and a good fit to run the business?" said one of the member. Everyone turned and look at him.

"I expected at least one of you will ask this question" said Hisashi but as he about to answer he was suprised that Izuku answered it before him.

"Thats a valid and a good reason sir. But,no one in this world is perfect and fit for everything. I am sire evetyone in this meeting room right now wemt through hell of training and hard educations to fit in the role that all of you have right now. All I have to ask is please trust my father judgement about me and my fiancé while we are growing." said Izuku.

"We are willing to meet any challenges that was set by all of you. It will be a long time before my father in-law retire from being a leader for his mafia group and a ceo for his companies. In that long time,you can throw any challenges to me and by fiancé." said Shoto countinue Izuku's sentence.

"You can give us any challenges but not a dead trap one." said Shoto and Izuku together while bowing 90 degree.

"Good!Good! Both of you have a strong leadership aura and responsibility. I am willing to back down and watch them improve from far. He and his fiancé will be a great leader one day Hisashi. Im supporting both of them." says one of the most opposing member. Everyone in the room seems a little bit shocked as the person who just support them is the most unsupportive member in both the mafia and company.

Soon the meeting countinue to go on and they talk about how the company operation. Izuku found that his dad own a really big and many companies. They had their hand on pretty much everything and anything. His dad is the richest man in the world so he is not so suprised but he still shock on how big the business is.

Izuku started to take some paperwork about the company's budget and start to analyse it. Well he wont say that he expert in business but he can say he pretty good in analysing things or person. He then noticed something is off about the company's budget.

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