Chap 18

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(Im gonna do the hero license before sports festival so that the story plot will follow the plan)

All the parents laugh at Hisashi's and his son's interaction while the girls just giggles really hard because of how cute they are. They can see that Hisashi really love Izuku with all his hear.

-Skip to the time they taking Provisional Hero License-

-New York ( Izu and the group)-

Third POV

"Those of us who in Class 1-A of the HC hero course are taking provisonal hero licensing exam today" said the class teacher,Mr.Shaw after arriving at a really big stadium.

The students look at him in shock as they were not inform before.

"If you can pass this test and get your provisional licenses,you'll hatch into semi-pros and I am giving the one who get the license holiday for 3 days! Do your best!"

-In the hall-

I'm gonna explain the 1st test rules. Im the first test,you have to put three targets anywhere on you body,and if all three get hit by the balls then you're out. The first 100 students to get 2 or more people out with 6 balls they're given can move on to the next round of test. Remember only 100!" explained the MC.

"Its like the entrance test to join the HC high school." Sophia said.

"Yea,but going up against people is different from going up against robots." said Sarah then.

"There are so many people here!" breath Sophia.

"Woooaaahhh" said Oliver and Alex in unison.

"This is gonna be epic." said Sarah as she took some pictures.

Izuku and Shoto look around in amazement at the amount of students who participated in the exam.

"Okay,okay,we can do this. I know we can" muttered Izuku to himself.

"Hey,don't stress yourself out. It's gonna be fine." calmed Shoto.

Izuku smiled. "Thanks for the motivation Sho."

"We're suppose to head that way,guys!" Sarah pointed at the entrance.

The group followed the other students into the hall where they would take the exam.

"Okay then...after we open, we will pass out the targets and balls then we will start one minute after everyone has receive the balls and targets." countinued the MC.

"Open?" ask Shoto in confusion when suddenly the walls and the ceiling opened up. Their surrounding changed and they saw variety of place such as a fake city,a factory and a tar bridge.

"Okay listen up Elements!" shouted Izuku to the group.

"We wont split up. We stay in the group,help each other and carry each other burden. Dont wonder around or else you will be targeted by bigger size of group. Any questions?"

"No questions Zuku!" all of them shout except for Shoto cause he feel lazy and want everything to end right now.

"Come on then!"

The group headed out and quickly moved to a spot that was difficult to find. They went into a area and hid inside a house.

"Okay,so we can't stay here for too long because of the limited participants that can pass. We need to find a suitable amount of people to take,preferably five people." muttered Izuku.

"Alright!I have a plan. Oliver and Sophia,you will act as bait. Try to walk around and make some noise. If you notice some people following both of you,quickly run into an area that has a few obstacles. Put up a small fight and give us a signal where you are."

"Got it!" they said and ran out of the house.

"Sarah and Alex,follow them stealthily and see how many students are following them. Then,report back to me."

"Sure thing." said Sarah and Alex.

"Shoto,can you act as support?" asked Izuku to his fiancé.

"Anyhing for you." winked Shoto.

"Okay. Come on,we should better get going then."

While they were running around their surrounding. Alex report to Izuku "Zuku theres 10 students."

"And all of them are from Seijiu" reported Sarah.

Izuku exhaled, and report back saying "That's a bit too many but it's okay. Alex you take out the ones furthest from the group. Sarah you'll act as support."

"Roger Zuku!"

Suddenly the sky grew dark and a light shined from a distance.

"I guess that's the signal." said Shoto.

"Let's go" replied Izuku.

When they arrived at the scene,Oliver and Sophia had already taken out three people. Five more were readying to attack them.

"Shoto!" Izuku shouted.

"On it!" Shoto replied and ran to the five students then started blasting ice to trap them.

Izuku teleported quietly and knocked them out one by one. A student who could turn small size things to bigger size tried to fight them off but he was overwhelmed. After the ice fog had settled down, the five students were stucked solid in the ice while the other three students that Oliver and Sophia took out was blinded and dazed.

"Look like we missed the big fight." joked Alex when he and Sarah appeared from an alleyway.

"Good timing. Now let's get this over with shall we." smirked Izuku.

"Yes cap" all of them reply jokingly.

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