Chap 13

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-Time skip for months-

(Im skipping it because I feels like im delaying this story as they havent meet the rest to their group)

Izuku POV

Its been roughly 3 months and 2 weeks since me and Shoto arrive in New York. Its also been 3 months since we train with Jinsei and James.

Now I could control my quirk for 85% and I need to workout more so that I my body can be durable and can absorb more sunlight for my quirk. For now my 40% power is equal to All Might 100% power and thats make me more powerful than him. Yes he maybe no 1 hero but that is in Japan only. In the world hero he is somewhere near the below top 50 pro heroes.

While I still in my day dreaming. Suddenly

"Izu come on downstairs and eat your part of breakfast or we gonna be late for our first day in Heroes Academy (HC)!" shouted Shoto from downstairs.

"Coming! Im coming give me 5 minutes to comb my hair!"

"Your hair still will be messy even after you comb it my son."

"Fine dad!"

I then go downstairs and see that we are having pancakes and waffles for breakfast. Quickly I pour maple syrup on the pancake and some chocolate fudge on the waffle.

I then globe it down my throat and moan in bliss because of how delicious is the pancake and waffle. I can see that Shoto blushing in the corner of my eyes because of the sound I make and my dad giving warning glare at Shoto.

-After breakfast-

(Still izuku pov)

After we done eating breakfast, our driver Mac drives us to our school that is called Heroes Academy I think.

When we arrives,we see an old man waiting for us in front of the school gate with a big and respect smile.

When we arrives,we see an old man waiting for us in front of the school gate with a big and respect smile

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"Welcome to Heroes Academy or also known as HC. I am the principal of this school,my name is Mr.Davis " said the old man or should I say my principal.

"Thank you,but you don't need to come down just to welcome us Mr.Davis. But still thank you for your kindness and letting us join in the middle of the year. My name is Izuku Midoriya and this is my fiancé Shoto Todoroki" I said and me with Shoto bow to the principle out of respect.

"Your welcome. Of course I will welcome everyone that have potential or have the spirit to become heroes and save people." Mr. Davis say.

"We are honored to come to this school as it is number 1 hero school in the world Mr.Davis." says Shoto.

"Ouh I am feeling honoured to have the Midoriya's son and son in-law to be teach in my school." answered the principal.

"Come on let's go to my office so that I can explain your schedule and will called one of the top 4 to show both of you the whole school plus the direction."

"Thank you,sir"

-At the principal office-

"So this is your schedules. Both is the same as I expect that both of you does not want to separate from each other."

1st period - homeroom (Mr.Shaw)
2nd period - biology (Mrs.Shella)
3rd period - maths (Mr.Kelvin)
4th period - lunch break
5th period - physics (Mr.John)
6th period - chemistry (Ms.Evelyn)
7th period - training (Mr.Daniel)
8th period - finished school

"This schedule is a lot better than Japanese one" I say while Shoto just nod.

"We does not want to pressure the students with learning and training at the same time because the training in the schedule took 3 hours and it was repeat everyday for 5 day in a week." say the principal.

"Wow I am respecting this school no matter what" Shoto said.

"HAHAHAHAHA ouh please. Its all because of our students effort instead of us teacher. We just teach what is needed to learn to students."

×Knock knock×

"Come in" shout Mr.Davis.

"Did you called me Mr.Davis? says the unknown girl student.

The girl then turn around after closing the door politely.

"Huh! Its you guys! Are both of you the new transfered students? My name is Sophia!" the girl say and give a handshake for me to take which I response with a handshake.

"Ouh you guys have known each other?" asked Mr.Davis.

"Oh no. Did you remeber that last time there a group of thugs try to sexually harass me and Sarah? These two guys are the one who defeat the thugs!"

"Omg thank you Izuku and Shoto for protecting my two precious students when they were in trouble."

"Its fine they help us for shopping so we just pay them with a help too"

"Okay I think its time for Sophia to show you around before all three of you go to your specific class. Im giving you the pass to be out for 2 periods only."

"Okay sir,thank you sir"

Then we get out of the principal's office.

Third POV

"Well what is your name's?"

"Ouh my name is Izuku Midoriya and this is my fiancé Shoto Todoroki."

"Wait Midoriya? Isnt that the richest man in the world last name. Are you related to him?"

"Well actually he adopted me for plus minus 4 months ago so I am his son and Sho is his son in-law. He cant change Sho's last name cause that will be against the marriage because of same family."

"Wow then thats mean I doesn't have to worry that you want to be my friend just because Im rich then,cause you guys are richer then me."

"Ouh please I never had a friend in my whole life and same goes to Shoto."

"No friends? Well that can be change and Im pretty sure my friends would like you. Because all my friends is rich and they dont want to be friend with other people because some of them is like a gold digger."

"Wow now Im feeling excited. Sho please calm down I can sense that you are nervous don't worry I won't leave you alone to handle everything."

"Now let's countinue our tour."

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