Chap 34

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"Ouh I forgot to tell all of you. Only the top 14 students will make it to the last challenge." Midnight say.

"Ok let's go to the last challenge shall we?" Present Mic annouce.

Third POV


"Come on I've been waiting for this challenge to become the number 1!" Katsuki shouted.

"Be patient a bit Katsuki" said his twins.

"Shut up woman!"

"Katsuki be gentle she is your twin sister." Izuki then say trying to back Katzuki up.

"Fineee." Katsuki sigh.

"Thanks for the help Izuki." Katzuki whispered.

"No problem sis" whisper Izuki back.

"Now now now what will be the last challenge for UA sports festival this year? Let's find out shall we? Spin it Midnight sensei!" Present Mic announce.

"Roger!" Midnight reply.

Midnight then spin the roulette after a minute its stop at a space written as 'special request'.

"Uhm Mic sensei? What does it mean by special request?" asked a student.

"Wow! Its really rare to get a special request challenge for the sports festival!" Present Mic say literally just ignore the student's question.

"A special request is a challenge request by the number 1 student in the UA." Midnight explain.

"Izuki Yagi please tell us what challenge do you want to have this year?" Midnight countinue.

Izuki,Katsuki and Katzuki turn to face each other and discuss on what challenge to have. After 5 minutes of discussing they have arrive at a conclusion.

"I have decide on what type of challenge Midnight sensei!" Izuki say.

"Good now what is it Little Yagi?"

"I want a request fight UA students versus the Elements." said Izuki.

Midnight look at her in shock.

"Ouh honey are you sure about that?" Izuku ask from his seat.

"Izuki that is rude to ask the Elements to fight when they come to watch our school sports festival peacefully. I'm sorry the Elements." Midnight say and bow to Izuku and the members.

"I don't mind pro hero Midnight and you don't have to bow down to us. But are sure Izuki that all UA students that still in the challenge to fight us?"

"Yes I am sure!"

"Wow so arrogant! You think all 14 of the UA students want to fight us? Think about their feeling dumbass." Izuku scoff.

"I don't care. I am the number 1 students and this is my request. Thats mean they have to follow it!" Izuki shout back.

"Fine then. Don't cry when you lose." Izuku said and stand with the other members to walk down to the stage.

When they arrive at the stage Tokoyami decide to voice out.

"How about me?" he asked.

"What about you?" Midnight ask him back.

"Well I am the member of the Elements too." Tokoyami said.

Midnight look at him in shock.


"How about let the Elements leader think about that?" Present Mic said.

"You wanna join with us or stay with the UA students? Its your own choice Kage." Izuku say.

"If its my choice then I will choose to stand by my leader." Tokoyami said and started to walk to his group.

"Traitor!" Katsuki shouted.

"I'm not a traitor I'm just being loyal to my leader and member of the Elements. I won't betray them just because we are from different school and they are by now my family too." Tokoyami say.

"Wow I am impressed Kage." Izuku said.

"Awe that is so sweet Kage!" Sarah said.

"Thanks Zuku. Thank you sweetheart."

"Don't flirt right now!" Axel said.

"But I saw you flirting with Sophia this whole time." Tokoyami retort back.

"S-shut up bastard!" Sophia shout with red face and in embarassed.

"How about you shut up and focus to our fight? I'm too lazy right now." said Shoto.

"Shoto you really need to be more energetic!" Alex nag.

"Yes dad!" Shoto sigh loudly.

"Mom can you stop dad from nagging my fiancé?" Izuku ask towards Oliver

"Will you stop with that embarassig nicknames?!" Oliver and Alex shout in sync

"How about no?" Shoto ask back.

"You don't answer a question with another question young man." Oliver nag.

"And now both of the parents started to nag." Sarah said cheerfully.

"How about all of you shut the fuck up and focus on the fight right now?" Tokoyami asked.

"Fine fine"

"Let's do this! Remember I put all my trust to all of you! Remember to have each others back! Be selfless and fight for each other! I am trusting you with this fight! Don't let your emotions to be in your way of fighting! Remember we are 8 and not alone in this fight!"

"Yes cap!"

"Now let's do this!"

All the members of Elements turn around and face with all 13 of UA students.

"This gonna be an easy fight. "

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