Chapter 27- A Bomb

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Gakupo POV

"I'll go try to remove it," I said.

"But.... Gakupo! It's too dangerous!" Miku yelled.

"I don't care. We can't let it explode," I said.

I ran outside to see a timer on the bomb. It was gonna go off in 25 minutes. Plenty of time. I was no bomb expert, so I couldn't just try to disable it. I ran back inside.

"It's gonna explode in about 20 minutes," I told them.

"Plenty of time," Miku said. "Gakupo, I need you to go dump the car in the nearest lake. It's dangerous, but we can't let it explode here."

"Okay, I'm on it," I ran outside to the car, turning it on.

I gasped when the other door opened. "I'm coming with you," Luka firmly said.

"But... Its dangerous!" I exclaimed.

"I know. Now start driving, Kamui because we don't have time to argue. The nearest lake is 10 minutes away and the bomb will explode in 15. Go!"

I stopped arguing and began driving. I was shaking so much, I couldn't control it. Luka looked calm, just staring straight ahead. She had her purse in her hand and her arms crossed.

When we arrived at the lake, I wiped my sweat. "Luka, at the count of 3, you jump out of the car, got it?"

She nodded and a picked up the speed. "Okay... 1... 2... and... 3!!!"

We opened our doors and jumped out. I sat up and watched as the car fell into the water. I sighed in relief and looked at Luka. She stood up and walked to me.

"Luka? Why did you want to come with me?" I asked.

"Because I like you, okay?"

"Wait- What?"

"I like you a lot. If you were to die, I would at least be with you," she said.

She put her hands on my shoulders and leaned in. She pressed her lips against mine. I pulled her closer and kissed her soft lips back.

Miku POV

"I really hope they're okay..." I said.

Gumi was pacing nervously down the hall. I felt really bad for her since Gakupo is like a brother to her. She held back tears and kept pacing nervously.

IA had her head down, holding the wig in her hands. Her hair covered her face, and I was sure she was crying. Rin and Len just sat on the floor. Meiko had found us and just stared out the window. Kaito just stood next to me. Zatsune sat on the floor, staring at the roof.

"We're here!" I snapped my head towards the source of the voice. Gakupo and Luka walked to us, hand in hand.

"Gakupo!" Gumi yelled, running to him. She wrapped her strong arms around him.

Everyone sighed in relief and stood up. "We should call it a night and just go home," Zatsune said.

"I agree," Kaito said.

I looked to make sure everyone was with us, but IA was nowhere to be found.


An arm grabbed me and pulled me away from my friends. I nearly screamed but my mouth was covered before I was able to make a noise.

"IA~! It's me, One, your big sis! Don't be afraid!" One said when we were outside.

I sighed in relief. "Thank god, One you scared me to death!"

"I'm sorry, IA. But I can't let you leave my life again, little sis. Please stay with me and never go. Become part of this agency, but never leave me again!"

My eyes widened. "No, I'm sorry I can't do that. I have another agency that depends on me. Maybe you can join me?" I said.

"I will not. They're depending on me, too," she said. She started crying. "Then how are we gonna be happy sisters again? I don't ever wanna leave your side again IA."

Her words made tears stream down my face. "One, I wanna be with you too. But, we can't leave our agencies," I said.

"One! Boss wants to see you!" A male voice yelled.

Before I could hide, a boy with light pink hair and lime green eyes came to us. My heart dropped. His eyes widened when he saw me. Like an idiot, I removed my contacts earlier and I had my wig in my hand, so I was not disguised. He looked down at me, shocked.

"One? What the hell is she doing in here?" He asked.

"Shut up, Yuuma. She's my little sis, by the way," she said.

"Hold on- She's a maid from another agency-"

She cut off Yuuma. "Shut up! Stop talking about her. And tell boss I'm busy, okay?"

"But I can't argue with boss like that. You have to go, now," he said.

She sighed. "Fine. But stay with IA and protect her, okay? If you do something stupid there will be a knife in your throat. I'll be back in a bit, okay sis?"

She went inside the building leaving me alone with him...

I was alone with this guy...

"You're not a maid from that agency, huh?" he suddenly asked.

I looked down at my hands. "No."

"I figured. What agency are you from?" he asked.

"Well, that I can't tell you, sir. That's confidential information," I said.

"But you already know what agency I'm from."

"Yeah, but the thing is, I'm not from an evil agency, so I would never harm you," I told him. "And why would I tell the stranger who randomly kissed me what agency I'm from, anyways?"

He chuckled. "Oh yeah. The kiss."

"You say it like it was nothing. I hate people like you... You just like to play with people's feelings for the fun of it."

"I did it for a reason. I thought I was gonna die because they'd catch me, so I never really got to something with a girl, much less a beautiful one like you," he said.

I stepped back from him. "Sh- SHUT UP. Stupid playboy..."

He smirked. "Sorry. But I just want you to know that the kiss did mean something to me, okay?"

I looked away from him. "Okay..."

"And... Can we start over?"

"Sure," I said, looking back at his green eyes.

He held out his hand, which had a black glove, like the last time I saw him. "My name is VY2 Yuuma. And you are...?"

I shook his gloved hand. "My name is IA Aria. It's nice to meet you, Yuuma."



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