Chapter 35- Peace?

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Yuma POV

A loud knock on my door awoke me. Groaning, I called out, "What? Who is it?"

"Yuma! We can't find One."

I raised a brow. "Uh... What do you mean you can't find One?" I quickly took off my blankets and opened the door. Kiyoteru stood in front of me, concern written all over his face.

"She's.. gone. V-Flower went to her room and it was empty," Kiyoteru explained.

"Hold up..." I quickly grabbed my phone from my desk and dialed One. It went straight to voicemail.

V-Flower appeared. "Nope. Can't find her... I've notified boss and he's alerting the rest of the agency."

This is... bizarre. How could One just disappear like that? Without a trace? I can't even get a hold of her...



I really didn't know how to feel.

My sister is at an evil agency and nearly killed everyone in my agency and I figure out my mother is dead? How exactly am I supposed to even feel?

I heard everyone leave earlier so they probably just left on a mission. Gumi gave me a plate of food earlier but I just couldn't eat. Well, since no one is at home, I took this as a chance to wander around the mansion and clear my mind.

I stepped out of my room and walked downstairs into the meeting room. I loved this room, it held so many good memories. I remember the times when Gakupo was teaching Gumi fighting moves. When Kaito and Miku would bicker like a couple. When Meiko and Luka would cook delicious food for us. Those times when Rin and Len would play fight. I miss how easy and fun things used to be. Now life is just some tragic soap opera.

I began heading back upstairs. As a reached the top of the steps, I heard the front door open.

"Do you think IA is still up in her room?" Luka asked.

"Hm I hope not," I heard Miku say.

"Should I go get her if she is?" An odd, familiar voice asked. Wait, is that...? Oh god.

I whirled around and ran down the stairs. Just as I expected. ONE stood there, a single luggage next to her. Everyone turned their attention to me. As if reading my mind and seeing my extremely confused face, Miku said, "ONE is going to join our agency!"

ONE steps forward toward me. "I left it for you, IA."

I froze. I stood there staring back at ONE. Suddenly, I ran to her and hugged her, causing her to nearly fall. She giggled and hugged me back.

"I'm sorry we had to be separated, ONE. I'm so sorry. Sorry," I said into her shoulder.

"It's not your fault," ONE said, stroking my hair. "Goodness your hair got long, IA."

Rin and Len joined the hug. "IA, I'm so happy that you and your sister are okay!!!" Rin exclaimed.

"We are too."

After that happy family moment, Miku and Kaito led ONE upstairs to give her a room. When they headed upstairs, Zatsune crossed her arms. "Haven't you guys realized it yet?"

"What?" Everyone asked at the same time.

"Since ONE just left her agency without a trace, her agency will go out and look for her. Leaving your agency without a trace is an offense to the agency. The reason I was easily able to leave is because I was the leader of the agency, I gave my position to someone else. As for ONE, she had a very important part. They're going to look for her and they're going to harm us since we took her," Zatsune explained.

Gakupo shook his head. "I don't think they'll find her. We threw away everything ONE had on her technology wise so they can't track her down. Besides, we keep a low profile. They're not going to find us in this mansion."

Meiko nodded. "That is true, but who knows, what if they do find us? They're a bigger and more powerful agency than us so the possibility that they do find us is big."

"That's scary..." Len muttered, pulling Rin close to him.

"Ugh," Luka quietly said. "We'll just have to disguise her or something. And just keep her hidden at all times."

"Can't ONE just say she wants to leave the agency or somethin?" I asked.

"It's not that simple, sis."

I spun around to see ONE. Her face was blank. "This specific agency would not let me leave. The only way to leave would be by death. Or escaping just like I did."

"Crap," I said.

"And I left everything behind there, IA. The boy I loved. The friends I made. My missions," ONE sighed. "I did bring all my weapons and bombs, however."

"Careful with those bombs," Kaito said in a stern voice.

"I will, I will. I wasn't born yesterday, I know how to handle these bombs," ONE said.

"Well... What now? Gumi asked.

Miku shook her head. "I don't even know."

Zatsune began walking upstairs. "I need a damn nap."

Meiko and Luka said, "We'll start the dinner!"

Rin and Len went to the kitchen to help them. Gakupo and Gumi went into their fighting room to train. Miku and Kaito went to their desks. ONE and I looked at each other. We walked upstairs to my room together.

ONE and I sat on my bed and just began talking as if none of this every happened. We caught up on our drama, our girl things, on what books we were reading. It was nice. I felt lighthearted talking to ONE about these things. Before we knew it, it started getting a bit dark outside. An orange pink glow came from the balcony window, the sun was setting. My room looked peaceful and beautiful. I never wanted the moment with ONE to end. But it came to an end when we heard a light knock on my door. "ONE, IA, the dinner is ready!"

I smiled at ONE. "Luka and Meiko's cooking is amazing, you're gonna love it."

"I look forward to it."

We sat at the dinner table and immediately a pleasant smell came from the kitchen. Meiko and Luka stepped out with a bowl of mashed potatoes, pork chops, boiled carrots and broccoli, chopped eggplant, bananas and oranges, mini tuna sandwiches, and a small platter of cherries. ONE and I began filling up our plates.

Meiko raised her bottle of sake. "Alright, cheers to the crypton agency!"

ONE and I held up our glasses of cool kool-aid, Rin and Len held up their banana and orange smoothies, Luka held up her cup of water, Gumi and Gakupo held up their protein smoothies that had carrots and eggplant, Kaito help up his vanilla ice cream milk shake, and Zatsune and Miku held up their leek juice. We all clicked our drinks and some of our beverages splashed. We all laughed and sat back down to enjoy the delicious food.

That night was filled with so much laughter and happiness. I felt so at ease with all of my family with me. Plus, the food was great. Meiko drank two large bottles of sake, so she was getting kind of crazy. Kaito kept eating all the ice cream. Rin and Len kept reaching for the bananas and oranges. I found myself finishing all the cherries.

After dinner, everyone helped clean up the mess. ONE and I washed the dishes with the help of Rin while the rest cleared the table. Luka helped a drunk Meiko upstairs into her room. Finally, when we were done with cleaning up, we headed upstairs into our rooms. I hugged ONE and told her goodnight before heading into my room.

When I walked into my room, I smiled. I really needed this. After brushing my teeth and putting on my pajamas, I headed to my balcony to admire the beautiful night. There was a crescent moon but it still illuminated the city below. There was a slight breeze, it rippled through my hair and made me shiver a bit. After some fresh air, I headed back into my room and lied down, ready for some good sleep.

Hours later, I awoke to a loud thud downstairs.


Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Also, enjoy that funny ONE and IA meme in the media. :3


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