Chapter 7: A New Plan ♪

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~The Next Day~

Miku POV

Now, we need to create a new plan for our next mission. Kaito and I have been up all night thinking of something. But, we need help from everyone else.

When everyone was awake, Kaito said, "Alright everyone. We need a meeting now."

Everybody joined the black moon-shaped table in the middle of the room and took their assigned seats. "All right everybody. We need ideas for the next mission. Anybody got anything?" Kaito asked.

They all stared back at us with a poker face.

"Well, tell us who we're up against and how are we going to do this?" IA asked.

"Oh yeah! Well, we're up against Live again. We have been online all night, and we now know something. They hired maids to clean the building so-" IA interrupted me.

"How does this apply to us?" she asked.

"Well, you all are going to disguise as maids and servants," Kaito told them.

"Is this a freaking joke? No way!" Gumi exclaimed, crossing her arms.

"Well, we need to put their madness to a stop," I told them.

"Luka, here. The maid and servant outfits should be something like this," Kaito told Luka, handing her a few sheets of paper.

"Alright. I'll start working on them right away," she replied, going to her desk.

"Rin and Len. You guys have one of the most important jobs in this mission. You two are to steal some stuff. But we're not sure where they are located," I told the excited twins.

"Yay!" they exclaimed in unision.

"IA," Kaito began. "You need to pretend to clean the library but get on the computer and search some stuff up."

"Ok," she said.

"Gakupo and Gumi. If anything is to go wrong, you will fight," I told them.

"Ok, we're on it!" Gakupo said.

"Meiko, you need to keep some of the masters distracted," Kaito said. Meiko nodded her head.

And with that, we began making our plan for the next mission.


I got on my computer to practice some codes. I thought of that guy named Leon... I had a weird feeling in my stomach. I shook it off. Maybe I'm just hungry? I grabbed a bag of Sour Skittles from my desk- and yes I eat Skittles for breakfast. So what?

(A/N I don't know IA's favorite food so I just use Skittles, my favorite candy X3 if anybody knows her real favorite food, can you tell me in the comments below? Thanks!)

I ripped the bag open and began munching on the sourness. I practiced codes for a little while, but then got kinda bored. I looked around, and saw Luka cutting white fabric, Rin and Len eating, Gumi and Gakupo practice-fighting, Meiko writing stuff on a sheet of paper on her desk, and Miku and Kaito talking at the moon shaped table.

I turned back to my desk and kept working on codes.


Well, here's the update! Next chapter will be soon, hopefully.


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