Chapter 40: "Rin Just Totally Kicked Your Ass!"

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Gumi POV

"I got you this time!"

Yuma had me pinned to the floor. A triumphant, sly smirk was on his face. Wait until he sees the tricks I have up my sleeve~

With all my strength, I pushed him backwards and had him on the floor. His eyes widened, then he let out a laugh. "Gumi, you're pretty good."

"Not so bad yourself," I said, getting off him.

He sat up, crossing his legs. "Wow, Rin's really showing Gakupo no mercy", Yuma commented. I looked over at Rin, who had Gakupo on the floor.

After Gakupo showed her a few moves, she really showed off what she could do. She's only like 4'11 and she took down a 6'4 guy! It was pretty obvious Gakupo was letting her though, as I know how strong he is.

"We're back!" Meiko announced as she walked in with plenty of groceries. Luka followed close behind her. "Come help, we bought a lotta freaking food!" Meiko added. Meiko noticed that no one jumped to help. She rolled her eyes, "Rin, Len, there's a lot of fresh oranges and bananas that will go bad fast if you don't help us bring back some bags-"

Before she could finish, Rin let go of the headlock she had Gakupo in and bolted outside. Len stopped typing whatever kind of coding stuff IA had him doing and followed just behind Rin. IA gave him an annoyed look.

"Kaito, there's also a large tub of vanilla ice cream that will melt in that hot car-"

Kaito stopped whatever discussion that he was in with Zatsune and Miku and joined Rin and Len. He seemed to have been mid sentence, but abruptly stopped. Zatsune and Miku shot Meiko an annoyed look, but she just shrugged. Meiko looked over at Luka with a sly smile. "Sometimes, that's just too easy," she commented as she walked to the kitchen with the bags of groceries.

Gakupo rubbed his head, a pained expression on his face, "That little blue eyed demon is really strong!"

I laughed. "I knew she had fighting skills, but I didn't think she had that in her."

"Neither did I, but damn am I proud!" Gakupo triumphantly boasted, "With a lot more training, she would take down a lot of people on her own," Gakupo added, reaching for his water bottle to take a drink.

"She definitely could, especially if she..." Yuma trailed off. Suddenly I felt him grab me and pin me to the floor. "Takes them by surprise."

"Ha, he got you good!" Gakupo cackled.

Yuma grinned at me. "You sly bastard- Oh shush, Gakupo! Rin just totally kicked your ass!"

"Hey hey hey," he raised his arms in defense, his tone rushed, "I'll have you know, Gumi, I totally let her-"


The three of us turned over to IA. She was looking over at us, her eyebrows furrowed. A very concerned look was on her face. Her braids fell on her shoulders as she looked back at the screen. "I saw something in the footage. Come look."

Yuma gently released me and helped me up. Miku and Zatsune also went over to look at the screen. IA typed out something, which appeared to rewind the footage she was looking at.

"Take a look," IA backed away from her screen to let us look. We huddled around the screen. "Look, keep your eyes on the alleyway here," IA said, pointing to an entrance of a dark alley near a ramen restaurant. The Tokyo tower was not too far from it. We started in horror as we saw a mother and a little girl. The little girl's mother turned away just for a moment. A man quickly ran by and snatched her away. The mother didn't notice for a few seconds until she looked over and saw that her little girl was gone. She whirled around, looking for her.

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