Chapter 15- The Weird Dream ♪

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Chipmunk_sky gave me the best idea ever!

Here's your dedication~



"Well, we should head back to the agency," Miku told us.

We all nodded and grabbed our things. As we got in the car, all the things that happened to me flowed into my mind. Ukyo. Toma. That guy from the other agency. The. Kiss.

Miku and Kaito were talking quietly at the front seats of the car. Gumi and Gakupo were talking, as well. Rin and Len were fighting over which of their talents is better. Meiko and Luka chatted quietly. I rested my head on my hands and stared out the window.

"We're here!" Kaito said after a few minutes.

I stepped out of the car with Gumi and Gakupo. We entered our mansion and walked into the meeting room. Miku and Kaito sat at their moon shaped table.

"Everyone, time for a meeting!" Miku told us.

We all gathered at the table. Miku and Kaito exchanged a look and looked back at us.

"So, our mission didn't fail, but it wasn't much of a success, either. We decided to leave, since people were getting suspicious," Miku told us all with a grim look.

"Our missions haven't been very successful lately," Kaito informed us. Miku nodded.

"We will somehow have to go back and complete the mission. But next time, we will wear disguises. Luka, you will be in charge of that," Miku told Luka.

"Of course," Luka said.

"But for now, get a goodnight sleep and we'll plan tomorrow, guys," Kaito instructed.

"Goodnight!" We said in unision.

We walked out of the meeting room and went to our bedrooms upstairs. I walked into my room and closed the door, stripping off the uncomfortable maid dress. I threw it as if it were a rag on the chair by my desk.

I put on a baggy t-shirt and shorts and hopped on my soft bed. I barely realized how tired I had been. I wrapped my light pink blanket around me and closed my eyes, wanting some sleep.

But little did I know, I was gonna have a weird dream.

We were on a new mission. Luka had disguised me with a long, light brown wig and dark blue eye contacts. I was ready to go.

We got in our black van and were on our way to the mission. Miku and Kaito haven't told us where we were going just yet. Gumi was disguised with a dark brown wig and lemon yellow eye contacts. Rin and Len wore a pitch black wig and yellow eye contacts. Gakupo wore a hat, his purple hair tucked in and he wore blue eye contacts. Miku had a blonde wig with light purple contacts. Meiko had a pink and black wig with pink contacts. Luka wore purple contacts and a brown wig. Lastly, Kaito wore a black wig with brown contacts.

After a few minutes, the van stopped. We got out and I was looking at a big brown building. We entered and I saw familiar people... Toma and that guy from that agency who's name I don't know...

I avoided them and followed Miku. Why were they here?

Suddenly, the place in my dream changed. I was looking at something horrible.

A man who's features were unknown was pointing a gun at Rin. Len stared in horror. Miku screamed and pulled out a gun. I watched in horror as she pulled the trigger and he fell.

Then, Miku was taken by some man in black.

And that's when my dream ended.

I awoke with a gasp. What the hell?! That was a weird dream... But what if... It meant something? No way...

I looked at the time on my phone and sighed. It had only been 30 minutes since I went to bed.

I was extremely tired, but I don't think I was gonna be able to sleep.


I decided to get out of bed at 10:23 am. I only slept for about 2 hours, but I had to go help plan for the next mission. I wasn't going to let my weird dream get in the way of that.

I sighed and got off my bed. I looked at my mirror. It looked obvious that I didn't get enough sleep.

Suddenly, I heard a knock on my door. "Yes?" I asked.

"IA, please be ready in half an hour tops and be in the meeting room as soon as possible!" Miku told me.

"Oh, okay!" I rushed to get ready.

I put on my usual outfit, which was my black shirt and pink skirt with my shiny pink and white boots. I brushed my silky hair and rushed downstairs. Everyone was in the room, except for Meiko.

Miku and Kaito were talking. I went to my desk at the corner of the room. I switched on my computer.

"Miku, Kaito? I have a few of the disguises ready," I heard Luka tell Kaito and Miku.

"Thank you, Luka. Can you show us?" Kaito asked.

"Well," I saw Luka pull out a wig. It was light brown. And long.

"I was maybe thinking this one could be for IA? This is the longest wig I have, and we really need to hide all that hair," Luka smiled.

I was freaking out a little... That was just like the wig in my dream. Maybe it's just a coincidence, I should calm down. I looked back at my computer and pulled out a bag of Skittles from my drawer.

"Oh, and I was thinking that Rin and Len could wear matching wigs and contacts," I heard Luka say. "Here, I picked out these pitch black wigs and yellow contacts."

Okay, this is just weird. Just like in my dream... It's just a coincidence, I told myself.

But the strange feeling in my stomach told me it wasn't.

Then, Meiko walked into the room wearing her red outfit. She walked to her desk at the end of the room.

"Meiko? I have your disguise ready," Luka went to Meiko. If it wasn't like the one in my dream, then it's all just a coincidence.

I nearly screamed when she pulled out a pitch black wig. With pink on it. I stared at it from where I sat. Not a good idea. Luka noticed.

"What's wrong, IA?" Luka asked.

"Uh... Um.. it's nothing!" I smiled and pretended I was okay.

She smiled and walked to her desk. I'm such idiot.

This is just a coincidence.

At least I hope it is.


I'm gonna try to update more often for you guys.

Also, a huge shout out to chipmunk_sky for giving me the idea for this.


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