Chapter 46: Undercover

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(A/N: lol so keep in mind there's a looooot of agents fighting in this mission lolol. It's IA, Lia, Len, Rin, Gumi, Gakupo, Luka, Meiko, Zatsune, Miku, Kaito, YOHIOloid, Aoki Lapis, and SeeU. Also, Takashi is the leader of the hitmen.  Aoki and Luka are going undercover as Lilly and Yukari to get into their warehouse. They have body cameras and he rest of the team is watching them from their vehicle.)


Len and I watched Luka and Aoki's cameras on our laptops. From what I could see, the building looked to be a warehouse of some sort. The stone walls appeared to have water stains, and there was debris on the floor. The few windows I was able to see were covered in a thick layer of crime and were cracked. This seemed to be a perfect hideout for such a sophisticated network of online hitmen, this abandoned warehouse looked like it has been untouched for a long time, not to mention it's in the middle of nowhere.

"IA, Len, is there anything?" Miku asked.

"No, nothing...." Len said, but his eyes widened as soon as the words left his mouth. "Its..."

"What?" Kaito frantically walked over to Len to take a look at his laptop.

I looked over and saw that on Aoki's camera, Piko had approached her. He seemed unsuspecting of her disguise, giving her a friendly smile. All of us in the vehicle got quiet as Len turned the volume up so we could hear Piko.

"Sup, Yukari? Sorry about your old friends. I just hope you keep in mind they're not your friends anymore and they betrayed us. Especially that dumb bitch ONE. If she just took that job years ago we wouldn't even be here," he said nonchalantly.

"Yeah, you're right," Aoki responded quietly. She did a good job imitating Yukari's voice, but I was nervous he would suspect something.

"Say Piko," I heard Luka say, "How long til we go live with them?" She also did a great job imitating Lilly's voice, but my heart was raving.

Piko looked over at his watch, "Bout a few hours. But we may speed up the process if the viewers pay up now," hi chuckled. "Lot of people like seeing this kind of stuff nowadays. They might even get tortured a little, people love that shit."

I shuddered at the thought. Despite seeing this stuff on the deep web, I can never get accustomed to it. My stomach was turning and I could tell my mom looked uneasy too.

"Well deserved for what they did to us," Aoki feigned a sly tone, and I was scared of how convincing she sounded.

Aoki looked around, as if to make sure no one was around. Suddenly, she lunged forward and punched Piko. He let out a groan and hit the ground. Luka looked shocked as his body hit the floor.  She repeatedly kicked his head until it seemed like he was unconscious.

"Good luck without your fucking hacker" she said, kicking him one last time.

I looked over at Miku who was also watching my screen in shock, "Alright, that wasn't in the plan, but that works."

Kaito spoke into his earpiece, "Gumi and Gakupo, get ready to enter the building. Yohio and Rin are gonna follow you guys in too, they're on their way. Don't blow your cover Aoki and Luka, keep in mind they have a chemist, a bunch of armed guards, and explosives experts. They have more people than we do, keep this in mind. We kind of have an upper hand, however, since their hacker is.... well you know."

"Got it, Kaito!" Gakupo said into the earpiece.

"Gumi and Gakupo, there's just one armed guard near the entrance where we came in," Luka spoke into the earpiece, "From what I could see, he only has a 9mm in his holster. Besides that, this part of the building is clear. We just have to find ONE and Yuma."

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2023 ⏰

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