Chapter 24- IA's Past

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A/N I know I already have IA's Past, but this is when she was at the orphanage.

Also, have you guys heard of One Aria On The Planetes? (pronounced Oh-Ne.) She was just released! IA's company made her as IA's sister. I plan on adding her in this story and making her as IA's sister. 

And I made this chapter specially for IA's birthday.


~Years Before~

Third Person POV

IA and One were sisters, who were together in an orphanage. One was two years older than IA. They always stuck together. Through thick and thin, they were always there for each other.

"One? Where are you? Gosh, you're so good at this game!" IA yelled.

One and IA had been playing hide and seek. And One was a master at the game. IA had been looking for her for at least 20 minutes with no luck. She looked under the beds of the girls, the garden, and the lunch room. IA wandered the room, wearing a white dress.

"I'm here~" IA nearly screamed at the sound of her sister, who came up behind her.

"Wait- I could've sworn I just looked there, where you're standing," IA said, pointing at her.

"Ah, you have. My skills at this game are just amazing, IA-chan."

"One-chan! You really scared me!"

"I'm sorry. But you've gotta admit, that was pretty awesome," she said.

"I guess."

IA sat on the bed, a pout on her face.

"Aw, come on! Cheer up, IA! It's dinnertime, and I know you're hungry!"

"It is?" IA asked, immediately standing up. Her bluish-purple eyes widened in excitement.

After dinner, the girls got changed into their nightgowns and went to their beds. IA immediately dozed off. All the girls immediately fell asleep, while the only one awake was One.

IA almost screamed when One was next to her bed. One covered her mouth in the nick of time. "IA, don't worry, it's just me!" One whisper yelled.

"Thank goodness. You scared me, sis."

"Sorry... I'm bored. We should go outside," One suggested.

"But... We can get in trouble!"

"IA, quiet down. And don't worry, my hiding skills are flawless. Let's go!"

IA walked with her sister, barefoot down the hall. They slowly and quietly opened the door. Outside was beautiful, the moon full and the flowers were in full bloom. There was a light breeze, only enough to make IA shiver a bit.

"IA, how do you think our parents were?" One asked out of the blue.

"Well, that's a random question to bring up. And I dunno..."

"I wonder why we were put up for adoption," One said glumly.

The girls stood there in silence for what seemed like forever, just looking at the full moon and the stars that adorned the indigo blue night sky.

~Two Years Later~

Both of the girls were intensely sobbing that one rainy day. Someone wanted to adopt IA, but not One. They were both devastated. The parents ignored the cries of the girls. They only wanted IA. 

"IA!" One frantically said.

"Yes, One?" IA asked, sniffling.

"You're gonna leave me... But we can meet again someday, right?!" 

IA cried into One's shoulder. She wished she could stay with her. IA just wished that this was just a horrible nightmare and in a little bit, she'd wake up in the room, One by her side like always. She would play Hide And Seek with her for hours in the garden outside. The beautiful sun would be out. 

But deep down, IA knew the world did not work like that.

One just watched as her family took IA into their car.

~Back To Present~


I woke up next to my computer, and noticed I drooled on my desk. I rubbed my eyes and a horrible realization hit me like a slap in the face.

The dream.

It was all real.

Too real.


Happy birthday, IA!

It is January 27, the day IA Aria On The Planetes was released, guys!

And they just released One Aria On The Planetes, IA's sister!

And this update would've been up hours ago, it's just that I kind of really hurt my knuckle today and it was kinda hard to type... -w-

And I made a cake today, in honor of IA's birthday! It was a chocolate cake I frosted with Nutella. ('Cause who the heck needs frosting?)


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