Chapter 9: A Kiss?! ♪

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I stepped back and stared. He was someone from another agency! He might kidnap me, or worse, kill me. He looked at me with his piercing, lime green eyes.

I almost screamed when he walked toward me, putting his hands on my shoulders. I stared back in horror.

"Don't worry, I'm not gonna hurt you. Just help me hide somewhere and no harm will be done," he said.

I obeyed him. I grabbed his hand and led him to a cleaning supplies closet. I pushed him in and closed the door. Why was he here? Was he running from people who were in this agency?

"Did you see anyone run in here?" I turned and saw Toma, his gold eyes scanning the room.

I almost screamed when I felt the closet door slightly open and I felt a gun on my back.

"N-no," I stuttered.

"Ok," he said, putting his gun down. "I'll stay here, to keep you safe. Someone from another agency was caught here," he told me.

I felt the gun move and the door close. I wanted to tell Toma something was wrong, but my gut didn't want to...

"Ok. Thanks," I said, looking down.

Toma POV

IA was so pretty. I just had to protect her.

"IA, you should sit for a little. A five minute break wouldn't be bad..." I said.

She nodded and sat down. Her hair framed her face, making her look like an angel. Her blue eyes were locked on the table.

"So... why did you decide to get this job?" I asked.

She was deep in thought for a second. "Because well I uh- needed some money and I couldn't find another job," she said.

"Oh. Well this job pays some good money," I said.

Yuuma POV

I listened to their conversation from the stuffy closet. That maid... she was beautiful. Her blue eyes that shined lit up her face. But her eyes were filled with fear, because of me.

No doubt I was in love. But she is probably with that guy out there... I peeked from the closet and saw him leaning into her. Holy crap were they going to kiss?!


Toma began leaning into me. He closed his eyes and pressed his lips against mine. My eyes were wide as his tongue touched mine. The moment was overwhelming I swear I almost screamed.

He opened his gold eyes and pulled away. He handled it pretty well, his face a poker face, slightly blushing. While my cheeks were probably as red as a cherry.

He looked at me, his eyes sincere. "I'm sorry. I couldn't help it..." he said.

Couldn't help it? What was he talking about...?

"Well, I should go now. I have work to do.. we need to look for that guy.." he said, walking out.

I processed what had just happened and went to the closet. I opened the wooden door and saw the guy. His gun was in his hand.

"Hi..." I said, my eyes locked on my feet.

"Hey. Thanks for hiding me. Here's your reward," he said.


Suddenly, he pressed his soft lips against mine. Are you kidding me? What the hell was going on?!

I closed my eyes and he continued kissing me. He moved his tongue around my mouth, making me knees feel weak.

After several seconds, he pulled away. He wasn't blushing, unlike me. He was smirking. His hands were on my shoulders, and his green eyes were on my blue ones.

"Goodbye," he said, jumping out the window. I ran to the window and saw that he landed majestically and began running.

I sat down and began processing what had just happened.


Y'all are lucky you got two updates in one day X3


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