Chapter 43: The Deep Web

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"IA? IA! Are you guys okay?"

I don't know how much time passed before I heard people come up the elevator. Miku walked towards me, a worried look on her face. She cupped my face in her hands.

"Did they harm you guys?" she asked.

"N-no... We're fine," I said quietly.

She sighed in relief, stepping away from me and walking over to Kaito and Zatsune who were by the window. Everyone else had joined us in the Tokyo Tower and they told Len and I everything that had happened. Len and Rin ran to each other and hugged each other tightly. Gumi, Gakupo, and Meiko were talking over by the elevator.

"IA, are you okay hon'?"

I looked up and saw a concerned Luka. She was always a motherly figure to me, even though she was only like 5 years older than me. It was always something about her gentle and caring personality that made her like the mother figure of our group.

"No," I nodded, too worried to even try and pretend I was okay. "One... My sister, she.. and Yuma..."

"I know. But they need us more than ever now, okay? We're going to save them as quickly as we can," she said, reaching over to comfort me by stroking my hair.

"I don't even know if I'm good enough to help..."

"You are!" Luka exclaimed. "You're IA fucking Aria," she said, gaining a chuckle from me. Luka almost never cursed, so it was kinda amusing. "You're an amazing hacker, we've seen the things you can do."

"I appreciate it, but... Their hacker is so much better than me," I sighed. It was true; breaching firewalls is incredibly hard. Especially mine, it took me years for me to program mine. For someone to breach it so easily just shows skill.

"Miku told us about your mom, and how amazing of a hacker she is," Luka said, crossing her arms. "Lia Aria, that woman is the best of the best."

I felt tears cloud my vision as I remembered my mother. I just found out she was still alive, and I was hoping One and I would reunite with her. The chances of that happening went down a lot. I let out a shaky breath. Luka wrapped her arms around me.

"We'll save them," she whispered, hugging me tighter. "I promise."

"Alright guys," Miku spoke loudly, getting everyone's attention. "We need to head back to the agency. Our next mission is to save Yuma and One, and we need to act fast. I'm sure they're not going to kill them fast, so we have time. IA, these guys operate on the deep web. You can get there because you are skilled and talented and can find some more information on these bastards. Now, we need to head back over to the headquarters."


We arrived back at the headquarters, the drive home being so quiet and awkward. It felt empty without ONE and Yuma being with us in the car ride, and no one seemed to know what to say to me. After their futile attempts of cheering me up, everyone realized nothing could cheer me up so they remained quiet, which I didn't mind. I just wanted to head back home as quickly as possible and try to save my sister and Yuma.

Upon arriving at the headquarters, I realized that there was an unfamiliar car parked on the street. I looked questioningly at Miku, who also noticed it but didn't even seem slightly worried. Matter of fact, there was a hidden smile on her face. I was very confused at this, but at least it doesn't seem to be something I need to worry about. We hopped out of the car, me being the last person to get out and we headed towards the door.

Everyone filed into the large meeting room, and I anxiously followed. I needed to get back to my computer and code; I HAVE to secure my firewall and practice some coding, what happened today was a huge blow to my skills and my ego. I rushed past the moon shaped table to my desk, but I caught a glimpse of pink hair and blond hair at the table. I curiously turned my head towards the table, tears starting to form in my eyes.

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