Chapter 31- Danger

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"One, you know I can't do that... My agency counts on me," I told her.

"It isn't a choice," she firmly stated.

"One! I have an agency too! I can't just switch agencies like that! Would you do it?" I asked.

"If it was to be with you, then yes, I damn well would," she said, crossing her arms.

Miku POV

"Where's IA?" Kaito wondered out loud.

I sighed. "I don't know, Kaito. She's not responding!"

Kaito rubbed at his temples. "This could be really bad! What do we do?!"

"Of course we need to contact Gumi and Gakupo," I said.

Gakupo POV

"Gumi? Miku wants us to do something something about IA... She said that she hasn't been responding," I told Gumi.

Her green eyes were filled with fear when she heard what I said. "Hasn't been responding?! Gakupo we need to go and find her!"

We began running to where we last saw IA, because perhaps maybe something had gone wrong with her earpiece and she's probably still lingering around here.


I crossed my arms. "Then do it."

Her face turned red. "Well.. I.. Uhhh...."

"That's what I thought! You also have people who depend on you and leaving them would be a dumb thing to do!"

One gave me a really scary look... A look that I will never forget. "Fine then, IA," she said with a menacing tone to her voice. "You just better watch your back."

She gave me one last look and walked off with Yuuma.

I didn't know what to do at that moment... I was scared. That look she gave me... Something bad was bound to happen. There was no doubt about it.

Gumi POV

"IA!" I yelled when I saw her.

Gakupo and I ran towards her. She was crying and her wig was on the floor, so obviously her cover was blown.

"I.... IA?!" Gakupo asked.

I pulled her into a hug and stroked her hair as IA cried into my shoulder.


Gakupo's eyes widened when he heard IA say her sister's name. "Did... Did something happen with One?!"

IA sniffled and pulled away slowly from the hug. She wiped the tears off her pale cheeks and let out a deep breath. "One... said that we better watch our backs. She.. Gave me a death glare. She's gonna do something and we're in danger.."

Her voice... Scared me. She sounded petrified. Something bad was going to happen. And we're now in danger.

Miku POV

"Gakupo to Miku."

"Hi! Did you find IA!?"

"Yeah. Also, one more thing. We need to get the hell out of here as soon as possible."


Holy crap :v Cliffhanger

This update took forever and I feel so bad >~<

Sorry life hasn't been treating me very nice lately and I've been kinda sorta dealing with depression but I'm okay. Thanks to the readers who have still been reading this and giving me kind words! I love you guys.


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