Chapter 36- New Member

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The loud thud downstairs had startled me. I looked at the time on my phone, it read 5:02 am. I don't think anybody had woken up this early. Maybe Gumi or Gakupo had woken up bright and early for training? I don't think that's it, they'd probably inform all of us before waking up super early to make a ton of noise.

I grabbed my phone and dialed Miku. She picked up in an instant.

"IA!" She whisper yelled into the phone.

"What???!!!" I whisper yelled back.

"Stay in your room. Lock it. Hide."

And with that, she hung up.

I quickly and quietly hopped off my bed and locked my door. I put a chair over it, just in case. What the hell was even happening? I heard noises downstairs once more. I walked to my balcony to take a peak outside.

In that moment, I felt my stomach drop, my throat tighten, and my blood run cold. I closed the curtain as fast as I could and fell back. "Oh my god..."

Outside there was three black vans parked behind our cars. I saw a few people, including that guy Yuma from One's agency. They found us. I didn't think they would, but they did. Suddenly, I heard a scream downstairs. I wasn't able to tell who it was, but it sounded feminine.

I reached for my phone and dialed everyone. Everyone had picked up and told me the instructions Miku had told me. Zatsune, ONE and Gumi did not pick up. Crap.

I decided to text Miku. Miku, what do we do?

Just stay put.

I feel my vision blur and tears start streaming down my face. I was so full of fear. Were they going to find us and kill us? Who screamed? Is ONE okay? Suddenly, I heard footsteps out in the hallway. I quickly grabbed my phone and my pocket knife and quickly went into my closet and into the crawl space behind it. These were installed just in case something like this happened. I heard my door knob jiggle. It was highly unlikely that they would find me in this small space, but the scream downstairs indicated they already got one of us.

Yuma POV

I wanted out.

The agency had managed to track down ONE. And we ended up here. I knew what agency this was. Miku's agency. I figured that ONE was gone because she went to this agency to be with her sister, IA. Since ONE and I were so close, she told me so much. Except she didn't tell me about leaving the agency. I completely understood why she left, however. And I wanted out of this agency because I knew they were going to harm her. But I was going along with it. Because somehow I'm going to try to stop them.

I told my agency I would go upstairs to get the people from this agency downstairs but I was actually going to help them escape. Unfortunately, they had already captured this girl with short green hair and the chick with long black pigtails and menacing, red eyes. I already hid ONE in my car outside and I was now looking for the rest.

I knocked on the door next to ONE'S room and I heard someone yelp quietly. "Hello? I'm here to help," I quietly said.


I heard a door open inside, I figured that was a closet or something. Then, the door to the room opened slowly and IA looked at me. A wave of confusion crossed her face. "Yuma? Go away!"

"I'm here to help! Look, I already saved your sister from my agency and she's hiding. I want to help the rest of you, okay?"

Her beautiful, large blue eyes were shiny, as if she was about to cry. "How can I trust you?"

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