Chapter 14- Kaito's Past ♪

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Third Person POV

Kaito Shion was in some deep shit. The blue haired young man ran down the street to his beat up black truck.

Who was he running from, you may ask? Well, he got jumped by gangsters. He fought back and managed to escape. He was sprinting down to his truck, quickly grabbing his keys. Right when his hand was on the handle of the door, he felt a horrible pain in his arm. He had gotten shot.

He fell to his knees, clutching his wounded arm. He felt another shot on his back. His eyes widened and he let out a cry of pain. He tried standing back up, but the pain prevented that.

Kaito felt someone kick him, making the pain even worse. He lay there, on the ground, bleeding while the gangsters threw a bag of something in the back of his truck.

Kaito POV

I awoke on a white bed, not able to remember anything. But just like that, I suddenly remembered. The gangsters. My truck, so close, yet so far. The gun. I looked to where I remember being shot. Bandages covered where I had gotten shot.

What startled me was the handcuff that connected me and the hospital bed. Why the hell was it there?

"He's awake!" I heard a female voice shout.

I turned to see a female with light brown hair tied back into a bun and hazel eyes. She was standing in the doorway and holding a clipboard. She had a concerned look on her face.

Suddenly, a cop and a doctor came in. Why a cop?

"Kaito Shion, you are arrested for owning illegal drugs," the cop said loudly.

"Wait.... What?" I was so shocked... I didn't own any drugs.

"I don't own any drugs!" I said, shocked.

"How do you explain this?" The police officer held up a bag with a bag inside, and there was some sort of white powder in it.

"Yeah, I have never seen that bag in my life."

"You're coming with me," he claimed, ignoring me.

He took out a key and removed the cuff. I stood up and he made me turn around to put it back on. I was so shocked, yet I couldn't do anything. What could I do?

I was attacked by gangsters, and there were no witnesses. There wasn't anyone on my side. I didn't know what to do as the cop led me to the car and carelessly shoved me into the backseat.

Why me?

Why was I jumped?

Why was I falsely accused of having illegal drugs?

All of this happened way too fast, I just sat there, in the lumpy seat, thinking about how all this happened.

After a few minutes, the car stopped. The cop got out and he opened the door. He grabbed me and led me to a brown building.

He threw me in a cell, as if I was a rag. I death glared him, but he ignored my glare and walked away. What the hell?

"I'm innocent!" I yelled, furiously gripping the bars of the cell.

It was useless.

*Time Skip to Court*

"Kaito Shion is declared as Guilty!" The plump judge yelled, slamming the mallet on the table.

I looked at him, bewildered. This was bull sh*t!

Every one stood up to leave but I just stood there, looking at the judge. I felt the cop handcuff me and lead me out.

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