A little bad news

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Light poured in through the glass windows, hitting my eyes and making me groan. I tiredly shift, but was sadly unable to find another comfortable spot.
I moan and rub my eyes, sitting up, stretching my arms and rubbing the sleep from my eyes. I yawned again, looking around for a moment in confusion. 'Oh, now I remember.' I silently thought, stretching my legs as well. A chirp of static short through the radio and I jumped.
I listened closer, leaning over and resting my chin on my hands. Was, Whiplash snoring?
I chuckle softly as the noise goes through again, this one sounding more like a static-y growl. Yup, sure enough, Whiplash was dead asleep. I carefully turned around, seeing Thornly still curled up on the back seat, her left arm dangling over the edge. I smiled happily and sat back, running my hands through my hair.
I yawn again and rest my head, lolling it to the side so my brown locks fall over my eyes. A silent gasp rips from my throat as I see a boy sitting next to me. ( pixgood.com/scene-boy-with-black-hair-and-blue-eyes.html  third one down)
His hair hung over his eyes so I couldn't see the color. His head rested against the window, soft snores coming from his partially parted lips. A piercing in his lower lip, and all of his clothes were completely black. A red stripe went down the center of his shirt, a baggy black jacket covering his right side.
Without thinking I let out a loud scream. Thornly shot up, screaming as well. The boy jerked forward, then started glitching like some old movie. He then just disappeared, making me blink in confusion. After a pause A horn blared loudly, Whiplash's screaming filling the inside of the small space. We both quickly covered our ears.
"WHAT HAPPENED?! WHERE'S THE 'CONS?!" He screamed, jerking forward and bumping into a stack of boxes, knocking them over.
"There are no 'cons! th-there was someone in the front seat!" I exclaim, shaking a bit, gripping the seat. Whiplash sighed, the air conditioner blowing into my face.
"There was no 'boy', it was just my hologram..." he stated, reversing slowly away from the boxes.
I tilt my head, trying internally to calm my rapid heart and understand what was going on. "Hologram? What do you mean hologram?" I ask. He slowed to a stop and parked where he previously was. He softly chuckled.
"Well, Every cybertronian has a vehicle mode, but it would look just odd if it were driving itself. So we have holograms so we can blend in better on earth." Thornly let out a long 'ooh'. I nod slowly, still trying to wrap my brain around it. "Well, uh, what else can you do?" I ask, shifting in the seat.
Whiplash snickered, his engine rumbling to life as he slowly drove out the large garage style door of our 'house', the doors automatically closing on their own. I look back, looking at the rather new door. "Hey, who fixed the door?" I asked, pulling my seat belt across my lap.
Whiplash chuckled. "You'll find out, soon enough, for now I'm going to show you what I can do."
******************************Time skip: Five minute drive to the nearby park*********************************************
He finally pulled off the road and onto a grassy section. A few trees gave us shade from the sun, and Every person was either walking far away on the sidewalk, or over at the small park.
The doors opened and we stepped out, stepping back and letting him stand up. He did so, stretching his arms above his head. He was tall enough to reach the top branch with his fingers, but he was almost as tall as a medium sized tree. He shrugged his arm, his arm curling back and snapping forward. A large whip shot out from in front of his hand, a spark of electricity making it light up.
Whiplash looked over the ground for a moment, his soft red eyes glowing brighter as he spots a pine cone in front of a nearby tree. He smiled and pointed at it. "Rachel, can you go get that for me?" He asked nicely. I cock an eyebrow, then shrug and shuffle over to it, picking it up and tossing it up and down in my hand. I walk back over, holding it out to him.
'What is he up to?' I thought, watching as he eyed the sky, then the pine cone again. "Okay," his voice broke my thoughts. "I want you to throw that up as high as you can, and step back." He smiled, almost like a child waiting for a special treat. I gulp softly.
I motion Thornly to back up, in which she runs and hides behind a tree close by, peeking out from behind it. I drop my hand down then throw the pine cone as high as I can, backing up as fast as I could.
Whip's arm coiled back, then shot forward with amazing speed. The tip of the large whip hit the middle, the cone exploding in a small flume of fire. It dropped at my feet, immediately snuffing out in the grass. My mouth hung open, and I looked down from the ashes to Whiplash's triumphant smile.
"That. Was. So. Cool!" I exclaim. He laughed deeply. "Why thank you, it was no challenge!" He playfully bowed, holding his hands out by his sides, making his bow more of a curtsy. I turned around, seeing Thornly too entertained by the forest then what the giant, thirty foot robot did. 
A thunk sounded in front of me and my head spun around to see Whiplash. He had sat down, slightly leaning on a tree. He reached forward, holding his hand down on the ground. I stepped onto it, sitting indian style in his palm.
"I looked up some Earth customs. What is this Twenty questions game?" He asked. I couldn't help but chuckle at his question.
"Well, it's where you and a partner ask each other questions, but you can only have twenty questions. The goal of the game is to get to know your partner." I explained. He smiled brightly, nodding quickly. "Well, can we play it?" He asks innocently. I smile and nod, leaning back on his thumb.
"Sure big guy. Do you wanna start or should I?" I ask. He looks away for a moment, then looks at me. "You?" Whiplash asked, smiling cheekily. I laugh and roll my eyes, nodding.
"Hmm, okay. Where are you from?" I ask.
"Cybertron." he speaks with full on confidence. I smile and laugh, pointing to him. "Okay, now you ask me a question." I state. He purses his lips, looking up for a moment then down at me. "What's your favorite fuel?" He asks. I raises my eyebrow. 'Fuel? Does he mean food?' "Uhm, do you mean 'food'?" He looks away and nods.
I chuckle softly. "My favorite food is Pizza. What is Cybertron like?"
"Well." He begins, tapping his chin. "Cybertron is A really bright planet, full of beautiful lights and buildings. Lots of roads to race on too, and the sky is always full of bright stars." He smiles, looking up at the sky. He was day dreaming probably. I shifted in his hand, getting his attention.
"Hmm, oh yeah. What's your favorite thing to do?"
"Hmm, that's difficult. I love to read and draw. I also love music."
The game went on for about another fifteen minutes. Thornly came over a couple of times, but then got distracted and ran off. We had learned a few things about each other. I learned that Whiplash was originally a little 'sparkling' when the Decepticons found him, raising him to be one of their own. He never wanted it though, so he escaped and landed on Earth about ten years ago, living in disguise for all this time.
He learned a few things about me as well, like how my parents died when I was younger due to a fire, and how I was technically a 'mother' to Thornly.
I yawned and stretched, sitting up and rubbing my back. I looked up to the sky, seeing as how the sun was slowly falling. 'Wow, time sure does fly when you're talking.' I thought sluggishly. Whiplash set his hand on the grass, letting me off and transforms into the beautiful black and red streaked Camaro. I slid into the passenger side, thornly crawling into the back.
I drew my legs up to my chest, resting my head against the cool glass of his interior. The world started to blotch with black as we started driving away, when suddenly my phone buzzed. I sit up and pull it out, gasping at the name.
Callie  McGowan.
I hesitantly slide the codes into the phone, opening the message.
'Well well well. look what we got here. A little Auto-brat. Seems we have to part ways in our 'friendship', don't you agree, Rachel? Oh, And tell the Autobot that you're in that hitting people isn't nice... See you soon.'
I threw the phone down under the dashboard, kicking it away. The radio glitched on immediately, the red radio signals lighting up. "Whats wrong Rachel?" He asked, a pang of worry in his voice.
"It's her Whiplash. It's Callie. She's working with them. She knows about you and the Autobots." I murmured, nervously playing with the ends of my hair. "Oh Slag..." I hear Whiplash breath.
Wait, but if my best friend is working with the bad guys... who else could be as well?... 

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