A mech and his pet

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  *Rachel's P.O.V*
Safe back in Whiplash's seat I lean back.
He seemed a little shocked as we passed an old, beaten down barnyard. He drove slowly by, jerking to a stop.
"Whiplash, are you alright?" I murmur, sitting up from my slouched position. Slowly he tread forward, leaving the barn in the dust. ~Nothing...- It's nothing- Love~ His radio sparked. I shake my head, unsure if my friend really spoke the truth.
~Hey, Love-Bird,- is it okay- if I- Take a detour?~ He asked, already halfway up another road. I chuckle softly, shaking my head. "Alright big guy, whatever you say, Let's just not meet up with your brother again.." I shiver at the mere thought of Whiplash getting any more injured then he was already.
Almost happily he flew over the road, my head nearly beating the roof. "W-whiplash! Where are we going in such a hurry?!" I yelp, holding onto the handle and the wheel to keep myself from beating my head in. ~I have-Someone- to go-help!~ He called over the crunching of rocks. I decided not to argue and just go with it.
Soon we rolled up to a large crater in the center of what used to be a thickly forested area. Instead of stopping, he rolled over the high mound of dirt and into the center. ~oh no...~ Whiplash mumbled. 'What, what is it?" I question, leaning forward to get a better look. Instead he stops an opens the door. Naturally I step out and take a step away. He transforms and kneels down in front of something. Concerned by his sudden quietness, I run over next to him.
In the center of the crater was what looked like a mangled robot wolf, it's body a pale grey color. A soft tap on its armour made me look up, and I instantly felt sympathy. An oil tear streaked down whiplash's face, his eyes shadowed by some kind of visor that had fallen over them. ~Nitro...- I'm gonna- Kill him for- doing this- to him...~ Whiplash growled.
Carefully I set a hand on the shoulder of the grey robot and closed my eyes. 'This should have never happened. We'd all be safe if we had never met... I wish you would wake up, Nitro...' I mentally sighed. A sharp gasp ripped me from my thoughts and my head snapped up. Whiplash was staring at Nitro, so I decided to look as well.
A soft blue glow lit up my hand and the wolf's chest. A pair of panels split apart in the crumpled chest, a small ball of some sort of energy began to pulse from my hand, mimicking that of the beating energy. With a blinding flash I was forced back onto my behind.
After a moment I rubbed my eyes, yelping at what stood in front of me. A large, dark and light blue colored wolf stood in front of me, about twelve feet in height with glowing red eyes. It snorted, sending a foul musty smell over my body. A gurgled growl rose from its chest as it stared me down, locking eyes with me in a horrifying staredown.
~For- Prim-us- sake,- Nitro!- she saves ya- and you- repay- her by- attacking-her?~ Whiplash's voice spoke up. The cyber wolf looked up, it's ear lolling down before it lowered its head again. A long, slimy metallic tongue drew itself over the left side of my face, my hair sticking up from the sticky liquid. Trying not to gag I give the large snout a soft pat before I stand up again, trying to wipe it away.
A burst of laughter made the poor wolf jump and had both of us spin around. Whiplash was head over heels laughing, pointing down at me. "What's so funny?" I grumble, crossing my arms. ~your....- hair!~ He got out between cackles.
I looked over to Nitro. "Would it look weird if I was riding you home instead?" I questioned.  

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