Birthday Surprise

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*Rachel's P.O.V*
Slowly we adjusted back to what life used to be. With the assistance of Jazz, Prowl and Optimus, Whiplash learned new techniques in combat. Jack and I got used to the life of hiding in the Autobot base, not that Thornly or both of us complained about it. It was actually entertaining, to say the least. Every day, Either the Elite guard would do a routine visit, Bumblebee and Sari were fighting against each other on a racing game, or Bulkhead would insist we did an art project, which of course we always said yes.
"I want a rematch! You made my car spin off the road!" Bumblebee argued, pouting and putting the controller by his side. Sari laughed and cheered, throwing her hands up in the air and doing a little dance. "Wooh! Aw, c'mon Bumblebee, All's fair!" She cheered, putting the controller down on the ground and leaping off the tall couch, doing a victory walk around the living room.
Loud footsteps had me turn around, and I smiled up at the large black and red striped bot. He smiled and leaned down, carefully picking me up as if I were a fragile animal. Without words he strode out the base opening. I blinked and gave him a questioning look, tilting my head. He smiled wider and set me on the ground outside. "Hey, Uhm, Whip? What are you doing? Remember what happened last time?" I asked, trying not to tremble at the memory.
He gives me a knowing smile and taps the side of his head. "Don't you worry about that anymore. Ratchet installed a new program, If I need help, it'll send out a signal." With that said he transformed and opened the passenger side for me. I slunk into the seat, the belt snapping snuggly across my chest and lap. The door closed and we started off, heading for the most thickest part of Detroit.
After a few moments of silence I finally spoke, shifting in the seat. "Hey, big guy, Where are we going?" I ask, combing a hand through my freshly combed hair. Whiplash chuckled. "You'll find out when we get there!" He chuckled. I shrug and shake my head, smiling. Sometimes when it came to Whiplash, even the smallest things could make him or I smile.
The ride went on in silence for a little while, but this time Whiplash interrupted the moment. "Here we are!" He cheered, turning a corner. In a large sign it read 'DETROIT FREEDOM FESTIVAL' People walked in and out, taking pictures at the main gate and buying tickets and game coupons. Whiplash stopped and parked, his engine humming to a slow stop.
"Whip, what are we doing here?" I ask with a small chuckle. With a bright flash of light, Whiplash's holoform sat next to me, making me jump. The boy smiled at me and grabbed my hand. "Happy creation day." He chirped. With the sincere look in his eye I started laughing. "Y-You mean Birthday?" I choked out through laughs. He looked away for a moment and then back at me, a smile on his face and he nodded. "Wait, how did you know today was my birthday?" I asked, tilting my head.
His smile became larger and he giggled. "A little bird told me." He says simply, leaping out of the car and dragging me with him. I looked back and watched as his normal form closed the door and stayed where it was. Still there was a tugging on my arm, still the same teenage boy tugging me along with him. "Whiplash, how are you doing this?" I ask, trying to keep up with his long legged speed.
"I've been perfecting a few things, now I can be anywhere I want in this form." He said, running up to the lady in the cashier box and asking for two bracelets. Happily he handed her a twenty and offered his wrist, which she wrapped the band around his wrist. A little too happily he pulled my wrist forward and she did the same for mine. Giddily he pulled us through the gate and stopped in the middle of the first large clearing in the middle of the food plaza.
"Wow, so this is what it's like to be a human." He takes in a deep breathe and gags. "Oh, what is that horrible smell?!" He coughs, pulling me closer and pushing his face in the crook of my neck. I chuckle and pat his back. "It's called fried food, and you'll get used to it after a minute." I rub small circles in his back. After a moment he slowly stand up straight, taking in a small breath.
We began walking around, watching as people walked by and played games. Whiplash seemed awestruck by all that was around him, and I couldn't help but giggle as he stared wide eyed at the tall rides that surrounded us now. His head spun around and he stopped for a moment, turning to me and smiling. "Stay right here for a second, I'll be right back." He said, then dashed off. I blinked and looked around, not even spotting the black haired boy anywhere.
Chuckling softly I shake my head, leaning up against a nearby light post. Out of no where a hand clamped over my mouth and dragged me back. In a panic I struggled. The hand tightened around my mouth and I let out a muffled yelp. 'Oh, not this time!' My minds screamed. My mouth opened wide and I bit down as hard as I could on the sensitive part between the thumb and the first finger. The person, obviously a large male, hissed in pain. Suddenly I was smashed into a hard wall.
The man pressed up against me, forcing me into the wall. "I've been watching you for a while, girly. You are the only step that my master has to get rid of so he can rule the pathetic planet. Tell your precious Whiplash that he should cherish his spark before I rip it out of his chassis. Oh, and by the way sugar, the name is BlackStride." a kiss was placed on my cheek and with that, nothing pressed against my back anymore. I quickly spun around and looked for who it was, but no one was even relatively close to me.
With a shiver I slowly walked over to my original spot, not far from me. Whiplash stood there, looing around frantically. Once his light blue eyes landed on me, he ran over and literally tackled me. We stumbled to the ground laughing, him landing on top of me. He chuckled and stood up, holding out a hand to help me up. Happily I took it and jumped up, dusting myself off.
"Whip, I need to tell you something." "I need to tell you something too!" He smiled and held out his hand, a rose clasped tightly in his palm. It was a beautiful crimson red rose. He gently put it in my hand, and pulled me into a hug. "I love you, my beautiful rose." I could feel him smile into my shoulder. My mind slipped away, and I completely forgot about the man. I hugged back and nuzzled his neck.
"I love you too."
*Nobody's P.O.V*
As the two held each other, a pair of glowing red eyes watched them, glistening with anger as the black haired boy slowly got comfortable in holding the female. "I will destroy you, Whiplash, even if we were friends before. And I will have the Femme to myself... No matter what..."
Slowly the eyes faded away with an evil laugh.

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