Questions galore!

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Whiplash stayed put for a moment before opening the door and shaking to the side a bit, seemingly ushering us out. Scooting out, I crawled out the door, coming face to face with a cheerful little red headed Sari. The door slams closed behind me and I feel a breeze for a moment. I turn, now simply staring at the large black and red bot's foot.
I crane my neck up and smile at Whiplash who returns it slightly. He seemed tense, Uneasy, or maybe even a little scared.
I look down for a moment, then look back up, the smile from before still on my face. I lift my arms up, my sister who was now beside me, following suite. Whiplash Raised an eyebrow, then a full blown smile cracked across his face. Finally catching on, he bent down a bit and slowly lowered his hand down to us, Still nervous about the somewhat untrusting eyes watching him from all sides. He gingerly lifts us and puts us on his shoulder plate, me on his left side and Thornly on his right.
We each took a hold of Whips' helmet as he started slowly walking in, not until now did I notice that the large garage looking doors were opened, The rest of the bots' disappeared except for one. Optimus. He calmly stood in his place, his arms crossed over his chest as he watched us. Whiplash caught on and walked over, looking up to the Fire truck. Optimus was a head taller then Whiplash, making Whip look short compared to the larger.
Optimus unfolded his arms and started walking away, Whiplash following, acting like a lost puppy. "Now, I must ask you a few questions, in private. The girls can stay with Sari while we talk." Optimus said, turning to look at Whiplash over his shoulder.
Whiplash put a hand over us, as if being not seen would make it better to his advantage. I wiggled my hands through his large digits and looked at Optimus. "No wait sir. They wont cause any trouble, I need to watch over them." Whiplash begged. Something made a 'whirr' ing sound beside me. It almost sounded like it was coming from next to his mouth.
With a sigh, Optimus nodded. "Fine, alright. But We still need information about you." The large red and blue Autobot started walking once again, followed again by Whiplash. I chuckled as I silently heard Thornly cheer. The whirring noise stopped, and I tilted my head forward, met by a pair of happy red...'eyes'.
A smirk crossed my lips. "Where you whimpering?" I inquired, Chuckling as the 'Bot looked the opposite way, mumbling 'no' and 'that'd be so stupid'. I roll my eyes and look around.
The place was large, Spacious and it almost had the atmosphere of home. The scenery disappeared however as we entered a large, empty, grey walled room. Optimus took a seat on a large crate, motioning down in front of him at another crate.
Whiplash nodded, taking a quick seat across From him. Whip Physically tensed as Optimus cleared his throat.
"Alright, First. What is your name again?"
"Whiplash, sir." The bot answered. 
"What was your rank as a decepticon?"
"I was a Rookie sir, under Shockwave to manage the equipment."
Optimus nodded, looking to the side as he must have been thinking for a moment. "Why did you decide to leave The 'Cons? Don't you know that they don't take that very lightly?" The question seemed harsh, but Whiplash seemed a bit more relaxed the more they talked. Thornly, as well as I, listened intently, completely awed by the information, even though we hardly knew what it meant.
Whiplash nodded, sitting straight on the box. "Yes sir, I do know. But it all started one day on the ship we inhabited, the 'Warspite'. Shockwave had ordered that I went and fetched some equipment from the storage. When I was searching however, I stumbled upon an Autobot, a Femme as well. She was nuzzled in a corner, her left servo missing, She was barely on-line. The one thing that shook me the most though was what she had on her chest. Three long scratches dug into her armor. I knew it was left by Shockwave, and I got terrified. I then slipped away on an escape pod, heading for this planet. I never wanted to hurt any-bot. Then, when I was scoping out for the 'warspite', When I got a sudden shock. I knew it was a decepticon. That's when I met Rachel. I was too late though to save her parents, but we did manage to find her sister."
We all sat with our mouths opened, no words able to get out of our mouths.
"Woah!! That's so COOL!!" A voice echoed below us. All heads tilted down, seeing the red headed girl. Her head poked out from behind Whip's foot, sliding over it and hopping up and down in front of us. "Sari?! You weren't supposed to hear that!" Optimus stated. Sari stopped jumping and crossed her arms, turning to Optimus.
"C'mon Optimus! His story was so cool! Please please please can they stay?! We need to help them find their parents! And Whiplash can help us fight the Decepticons!" Sari insisted.
Optimus heaved a heavy sigh, standing up and crossing his arms, looking down at Whiplash. A smile crossed his face, and he nodded. "Well, Welcome to the Autobots Whiplash. I'll have ratchet give you a new insignia."
Whiplash cheered and stood up quickly, doing a small dance, making us all laugh. Suddenly the ground started to rumble and in waddled Bulkhead, followed by bumblebee. The Large green 'Bot Wrapped Whiplash in a large hug, pinning the poor black and red car's arms to his side.
"Finally! Someone else I can play video games against!" Bumblebee yelped happily, fist pumping the air. Optimus chuckled and shook his head. Finally the large green Autobot let go of Whiplash, letting him drop to the ground. "Uh, hey. Do you like art?" Bulkhead asked, almost in a child-like manor.
Suddenly Thornly's arm started waving high in the air. "Ooh, ooh! Rachel and I love art, right Rache?" She asked enthusiastically, looking over at me from behind the black helmet. I shrug, nodding a bit. "Sure,I guess?"
And with those few words, Whiplash, Thornly and I are picked up and dragged to a larger room, filled with paint cans, lave canvases, and tarps. "Well, let's get started!" Bulkhead exclaimed, handing Whiplash a mop dipped in green paint. Setting us on the ground once again, Thornly set off to create another 'master piece' somewhere along the line we all joined, eventually even Sari.
Life was good for now, but challenges lied ahead, some that we didn't even expect.

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