Where to Stay

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Third POV

Soon a year passed. Tohru and Emi were walking with Hana and Uo after going shopping for some things. "Man, it's cold," said Uo after Tohru blew into her hands. "It's been another year of many changes, hasn't it?" said Hana. "Definitely," said Tohru and Emi nodded in agreement. 

'It seems like only yesterday that we were living in a tent,' thought Tohru. While Emi was thinking, 'What's for dinner? I'm hungry...' "Are you guys going to your Grandpa's place for New Year's?" asked Uo. "We were planning to but, he said the family was going to Hawaii this year," replied Tohru. "Un," replied Emi unhappily. 

"Hawaii?" questioned Uo. "Apparently, they had money left over from their remodeling budget," explained Tohru. "What, they think they're to good to watch Kohaku on TV like the rest of us?" questioned Uo. 

"Will you guys be staying at Shigure-san's house then?" asked Hana before any of them could reply to Uo. "I think so but I haven't had the courage to ask yet..." "Then get Emi to ask, she has a lot of courage. So much that-" teased Uo before Emi hit her. "Fine, fine, I'll change my response...  So you guys don't even know what you're doing yet?" said Uo, changing her response. 

"Well, I guess not," said Tohru. "Wanna come to my place?" offered Uo. "It's small but not too small to squeeze you in." "You're welcome in my home too, of course," said Hana. "Oh no! We couldn't possibly impose on you for the whole winter break!" exclaimed Tohru running ahead.

"If you're uncomfortable staying at someone else's place, the four of us could see the New Year in a tent," said Uo. "Yes, beginning the year with a camping trip has a certain appeal," added Hana. "We're all right. Just let your families spend time with you," said Emi interrupting them. "What she said!" exclaimed Tohru. Then there was silence. "Oops! It's gotten late! Let's hurry home!" said Tohru and she ran off.

After a few beats of silence, Hana said, "I sense great agitation." "Hmm?" questioned Uo. "In her waves," explained Hana. "Probably because we still don't know what to do for winter break..." said Emi. 

~Timeskip to a Few Days Later~

"Why do we even have to replace these things!" complained Kyo fixing the doors with Yuki and Kei. "Who cares about a little hole or two?" "Shut up and work," said Yuki. "You're the reason for the holes in the first place." "Tch. Why do we have to be related in the first place," muttered Kyo to Yuki. Then, Tohru was heard humming and Kyo looked out to see her cleaning the floor with Emi behind her. "Is New Year's cleaning really that fun?" asked Kyo. "Yes!" replied Tohru. "Cleaning the house with all of us is like a dream!" Kyo then started blushing. Tohru suddenly started cleaning with a yell startling Emi who quickly followed her.

'I really don't think Tohru Honda experiences the world the same way other people do,' thought Yuki looking outside. 'She just accepted that we transformed into animals like it's no big deal. Probably because Emi did too but... And she's had a much harder life than other high school girls but she's always smiling like she's just fine. We've lived together for four months, and I still don't really understand her. Emi is a little easier to understand...' Yuki was broken out of his train of thought when the sliding door opened.

"Euh," said Shigure, carrying books. "Books are much heavier than you'd think. It's a shame to get rid of them but I'll get yelled at if I ship them to the main house..." "Um, Shigure-san?" said Tohru. "Um... I know that it is terrible of me to ask you but... You see, our grandfather contacted me and said that the family is going to Hawaii. So would it be alright if we stayed here for the New Year's?" "Well of course but..." said Shigure.

~At Night~

"I won't go home!" yelled Kyo, Yuki and Kei together sitting at the table with Shigure for dinner. "We haven't gone home in four months, and you think we'll go now just for New Year's?" said Kyo for him and Kei while eating dinner. "If I show up for the banquet now, what was the point of me leaving there?" said Yuki also eating. "At least put in an appearance so you don't upset-" said Shigure until he was interrupted by Kyo, Yuki and Kei saying together, "I won't go home!" "This'll be trouble..." said Shigure rubbing his head. 

"What wrong?" asked Tohru. "We've been hearing arguing voices..." "Listen to this, Tohru-kun, Emi-kun," said Shigure crying. "They're refusing to go to the main estate for New Year's!" "Don't wheedle like a toddler, it's disgusting," said Kyo. "You aren't going home?" asked Tohru looking at Kyo. 

"But Momiji said that New Year's was a big event for the Sohma's..." "That's right!" said Shigure. "The biggest of events! The whole clan gathers to celebrate. And the part considered the most important is the exclusive zodiac banquet. Let me tell you, Yuki's dance three year's ago was something beautiful." "Wow! I wish I'd seen it!" said Tohru with sparkling eyes. Then, some vegetables hit Shigure's face. "That's enough out of you," said Yuki, the perpetrator. 

"Got it," said Shigure. Tohru interrupted the uncomfortable atmosphere by saying, "But how wonderful. That banquet sounds just like folktale!" "It's nothing to do with me," said Kyo. "Eh?" said Tohru. "Or me," said Kei. "Cat's don't get to go," explained Kyo. "Oh no! Why not?" "It's a longstanding tradition that the cat isn't allowed," explained Shigure. "But I guess that part matches the folktale too." 

"How awful..." said Tohru. "No wonder you don't want to go home," said Emi. "You don't have to look so sad about it," said Kyo to Tohru. "The banquet isn't why I'm refusing to go home anyway." "It's because Kagura would half kill him and Kei in he excitement," said Shigure smiling. 

"Shut up!" said Kyo. "What about the Honda's?" asked Kei. "Do you guys have a banquet?" "No, we don't do anything fancy like that. One of the perks of not really having a strict head of house," shrugged Emi. "We do things like that like, every 5 years. Gives us a little bit of freedom. I don't mind." "That aside, if we went home we'd have to stay till the third," said Yuki. "You guys would be here all alone." "Thank you very much for thinking about us, but we don't mind," said Emi. 

"It's such a big holiday, you should go and have fun," said Tohru. "It'll be your first visit to your parents in a while, won't it? I'm sure they're looking forward to it." "We'll be fine!" said Emi standing up. "Trust us! We'll take good care of the house while you're away! Is what Tohru would say..." "Un!" said Tohru.

 Kei laughed and Emi hit him in the head while blushing to shut him up. "We promise to make it gleam with... with... Oh no! I left the bathwater running!" and with that, Tohru ran out. "Remember, I'm trusting you two, Tohru-kun," said Shigure. "You'll take care of her won't you, Emi-kun?" "Of course," said Emi. "What type of question is that?" And she ran out after Tohru. 

After a few beats of silence Yuki said, "Fine." Which Kyo followed with, "She's got us." and with Kei saying, "I guess it wouldn't be that bad." "I'll go," said Yuki. "After hearing that..." trailed of Kyo. "They'll never see their parents again," said Yuki. "No matter how much they want to," said Kei. "I should just put up with Akito," said Yuki, almost gloomily. "Even if I don't wanna." "I can handle a little Kagura," said Kyo. "Even if I don't wanna." "Yeah," said Kei. 

'Hmm...' thought Shigure. 'Tohru and Emi's words are law, I see.' 'I guess they'll be fine, if they say they will be,' thought Yuki. 'Yeah. New Year's is basically just an annual routine anyway...' thought Kyo. 'It's not like I'm gonna die if I go there... Actually, I might die because of Kagura but overall, I'll be fine...' thought Kei.

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