Chapter 7||The Facts||

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Third Person POV

~The Next Day at School~

"Let's play Rich man Poor man!" said Tohru. 

"Why me?" asked Kyo. "Why not get that stupid Yuki?" 

"He isn't here," replied Uo. "I was thinking that you were stupid and clumsy so I thought I could make easy money off of you. If you're afraid of competition, are you sure you're a man?" 

"I accept your challenge," declared a very mad Kyo. "If you lose don't cry Uotani."


"So-sorry, I don't plan on dating anyone," said Yuki. 

"No! I don't want to hear it!" answered a girl. She ran up to Yuki to hug him but he caught her head before she could. 

"I'm sorry but, goodbye," said Yuki walking away.

Tohru POV

~At Work~

"There's a really pretty kid outside! I wonder if it's a boy or girl?" said a lady. 

'Could it be that Yuki?...' I thought. "Emi! Hurry up. Maybe Yuki is outside waiting for us," I said. 

"Okay," she replied. 

"Sohma-kun!" I said. 

"Silver Head," greeted Emi. 

"Did you come here to just pick us up?" I asked. 

"It's late. Dangerous for 2 girls to walk alone," answered Sohma-kun. 

"Thank you!" I said. Sohma-kun smiled. Suddenly, a man pushed me and Emi into Sohma-kun. *Poof* *Poof* Emi turned into a rabbit and Sohma-kun turned into a rat. 

"Sorry," I said. 

"It's fine," said Sohma-kun. 

"Nobody saw," said Emiko. I nodded, relieved. 

"Please look away," said Emi. *Poof* Emi quickly put her clothes on and said, "Let's go." Sohma-kun and I followed but not before grabbing Sohma-kun's clothes. 

"I've been wondering," said Sohma-kun, "how come your transformations are always so short?" 

"Emi can control how long she wants to stay a rabbit," I explained. 

"Only if hugged and turned. I can't turn into a rabbit on will and if I'm stressed or sick I stay in the rabbit form till time says 'Time for you to go back to being human!'" Emi joked. 

"How can you control that though?" asked Sohma-kun. 

"I practiced," said Emi. 

"You practiced?" asked Sohma-kun. 

"Yeah," said Emi. "I practiced by imagining myself as a normal girl without any curse and stuff. It occasionally doesn't work." 

"Interesting," said Sohma-kun. Suddenly it started pouring and then *Poof* went Sohma-kun so I quickly handed him his clothes. 

When we reached home, Sohma-kun asked Shigure, "Did you see the weather forecast?" 

"Yeah. It said something about a hurricane," he replied. Yuki walked out the door again. 

"Sohma-kun? Where are you going?" I asked and followed him. "Emi. Stay home okay?" 

"Sure," she replied. I followed Sohma-kun to a garden. 

"Ooh! A garden!" I said. "Is this your secret base?"

 "Yeah," said Sohma-kun. 

"Can I help you defend it even though I am weak?" I asked.

"Sure," said Sohma-kun. Soon, we succeeded in guarding the base. 

"Woohoo! We did it!" I cheered. "What can we pick?"

"The leeks are ready," said Sohma-kun. 

'Leeks! Leeks!' I thought excitedly. 

"Next time, I want to play Rich man Poor man," said Sohma-kun. 

"Sure!" I said. 

"I want to make more friends," said Sohma-kun. 

"Good! Uo-chan and Hana-chan are VERY good friends!" I said. 

"Mmm!" smiled Sohma-kun.  I feel like this was the first time I saw Sohma-kun's real smile.

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